
Exploring my Things 3 Data


Exploring my Things 3 Data

Step 1. Find the Things 3 Database

On MacOS the Things 3 Database is located here:

~/Library/Group Containers/JLMPQHK86H.com.culturedcode.ThingsMac/Things Database.thingsdatabase

Inside the 'Things Database.thingsdatabase' package you'll find:

➜  ~ ls -la /Users/danlsn/Library/Group\ Containers/JLMPQHK86H.com.culturedcode.ThingsMac/Things\ Database.thingsdatabase
total 1800
drwx------@ 5 danlsn  staff     160 19 Jan 19:33 .
drwx------  7 danlsn  staff     224 20 Jan 15:48 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 danlsn  staff  856064  3 Feb 14:31 main.sqlite
-rw-r--r--  1 danlsn  staff   32768  7 Feb 21:00 main.sqlite-shm
-rw-r--r--  1 danlsn  staff   32768  3 Feb 14:31 main.sqlite-wal

Let's see what inside that SQLite Database shall we?

select name
from main.sqlite_master
where type = 'table';

** The Stuff I'm interested in is in Bold

name description
TMTask Task Table
TMArea Area Table
TMTag Tag Table
TMTaskTag Task-to-Tag Relationship Table
TMAreaTag Area-to-Tag Relationship Table
TMChecklistItem Checklist Items under Tasks

Step 2. Hack Around the Data

1. Output a List of Tasks

select *
from TMTask
limit 5;
uuid userModificationDate creationDate trashed type title notes dueDate dueDateOffset status stopDate start startDate index todayIndex area project repeatingTemplate delegate recurrenceRule instanceCreationStartDate instanceCreationPaused instanceCreationCount afterCompletionReferenceDate actionGroup untrashedLeafActionsCount openUntrashedLeafActionsCount checklistItemsCount openChecklistItemsCount startBucket alarmTimeOffset lastAlarmInteractionDate todayIndexReferenceDate nextInstanceStartDate dueDateSuppressionDate leavesTombstone repeater repeaterMigrationDate repeaterRegularSlotDatesCache notesSync cachedTags
8kkrafXt5aTAzLC3YjErtR 1642998373.559945 1642581216.092397 0 0 Convert a to-do into a project Sometimes you might create a to-do, but realize later that it’s actually a more complex project. No problem! In the toolbar below, click ••• and choose Convert to Project.

These checklist items will become to-dos inside your new project:
NULL 0 2 1642998373.559494 1 NULL -1 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 NULL TzVLEEjjGzMDBCtmezY1Mw -1 -1 2 2 0 NULL NULL NULL -62135769600 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL 1
AsHds3dSiBSHxDtVvT6gB8 1642998373.5700321 1642581216.088084 0 0 Tag your to-dos Tags allow you to customize your workflow in Things.

For example, you can…
- Use tags for places like “Office” or “Home”.
- Tag all your “Errands”.
- Prioritize to-dos with an “Important” tag.
- Tag the things you’re working on with “Kate”.
- Or you can invent your own tags.

To add a tag, click the tag button below. To see all to-dos with a given tag, use Quick Find to search for it.
NULL 0 2 1642998373.5696201 1 NULL -71 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 NULL TzVLEEjjGzMDBCtmezY1Mw -1 -1 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL -62135769600 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL 1
XNNTSudVak3rWc7mid9VKZ 1642998373.5516791 1642581216.0918589 0 0 Open multiple windows As you organize your to-dos, it can be very helpful to have multiple lists open side by side. Right-click any list in the sidebar to open it in a new window. NULL 0 2 1642998373.5512 1 NULL -2 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 NULL TzVLEEjjGzMDBCtmezY1Mw -1 -1 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL -62135769600 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL 1
XKFidKUa7vZjVSHG7dqCQd 1642998373.53539 1642581216.082135 0 0 You’re done! That’s all you really need to know. Feel free to start adding your own projects and to-dos.

You can come back to this project later to learn the advanced features below. When you’re done with the project, click the progress ring at the top to mark it complete.

We hope you’ll enjoy using Things!
NULL 0 2 1642998373.534682 1 NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 NULL GL4GmfkNosDjNcVJMpmTXy -1 -1 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL -62135769600 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL 1
N1mPguaiucsEAFw2QerTLg 1642998373.554414 1642581216.081061 0 0 Create a project On to bigger things! At the bottom of the sidebar, click “+ New List” to add a project of your own. NULL 0 2 1642998373.553951 1 NULL -28 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 0 NULL GL4GmfkNosDjNcVJMpmTXy -1 -1 0 0 0 NULL NULL NULL -62135769600 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL 1

2. Output a list of Tasks with an Area Name

select TMTask.title task, TA.title area
from TMTask
         cross join TMArea TA on TMTask.area = TA.uuid
where area is not null
limit 3;
task area
Clear My Stuff from Old Lounge Room At Home
Supermarket Out & About
Publish More Photographs on Social Media Making Stuff

3. List Tasks Tagged with '@Home'

select distinct (TMTask.title) task_title, TMTag.title tag_title
from TMTask
         cross join TMTaskTag TTT on TTT.tasks = TMTask.uuid
         cross join TMTag on TTT.tags = TMTag.uuid
where TMTag.title like '@Home'
task_title tag_title
Download Govee Temperature Data @Home
Cut Your Hair @Home

4. Breakdown of Tasks by Status

select count(*) 'Count',
       case status
           when '0' then 'Open'
           when '2' then 'Cancelled'
           when '3' then 'Completed'
           end  'Status'
from TMTask tasks
where tasks.type not like '2' --type 2 are Headings
group by status;

5. Breakdown of Tasks by Area

--Select All Tasks that belong to an Area
select TMTask.title 'Title',
       ta.title     'Area'
from TMTask
         cross join TMArea ta
                    on TMTask.area = ta.uuid
where area not null;

--Group by Area & Return Count
select ta.title 'Title',
       count(*) 'Count'
from TMTask
         cross join TMArea ta on TMTask.area = ta.uuid
where TMTask.area not null 
group by ta.title
order by Count desc;