GtkMateView by Daniel Lucraft == DESCRIPTION: A textmate-compatible source highlighting widget for Gnome. Based on GtkSourceView2, but with a new highlighting engine. == FEATURES: * Highlights many languages, using the Textmate syntaxes. * On-demand in-thread parsing. == FUTURE PLANS * Background threaded document parsing. * Export documents to marked up HTML. == PREREQUISITES For the widget: * Glib, Gtk, GtkSourceView2. (available in Ubuntu packages) * Oniguruma (available in Ubuntu packages) For the Ruby bindings as well: * Ruby-GNOME2 (install from latest SVN version) To rebuild the C dist files from the Vala source: * Vala (Ubuntu packages way out of date in Intrepid) * libgee (Ubuntu packages way out of date in Intrepid) * Valar (not packaged for Ubuntu) To install the grammars for many languages, download either from Macromates: export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 cd /usr/local/share/ sudo svn co textmate or from the redcar-bundles port, which is probably better if you are intending to use GtkMateView with Redcar, though it has fewer languages: cd /usr/local/share sudo git clone git:// textmate == BUILDING THE WIDGET WITH RUBY BINDINGS cd dist/ ruby extconf.rb make == USING THE RUBY BINDINGS require 'gtk2' require 'dist/gtkmateview' gmv = gmv.buffer = Gtk.idle_add do gmv.buffer.set_grammar_by_name("Ruby") gmv.set_theme_by_name("Twilight") false end win = win.set_size_request(800, 600) win.add(gmv) win.show_all Gtk.main == REGENERATING C SOURCE FILES FROM VALA To rebuild the C dist files from the Vala sources, first make sure that you have current versions of the Vala compiler (0.5.6 at this time) and libgee installed. The build script will also expect Valar to be present, and the valar/ directory should be a sibling of the gtkmateview/ directory (hack in tasks/build.rake to change this.) Then execute from the gtkmateview directory: rake build:all == BUILDING BINARY FOR PROFILING (This currently does not work, please fix.) Basic waf[1] based project template for Vala[2]. To build and run the resulting binaries: ./waf configure ./waf ./_build_/default/src/hello-gtk [1] [2] == LICENSE: Redcar is copyright 2008 Daniel B. Lucraft and contributors. It is licensed under the GPL2.