Data Solutions home exercise


To clone and install this project:

git clone ./exercise
cd ./exercise
npm install

Start sandbox

To start the application running locally on your computer:

npm start


This repo should always have 100% test coverage, you can run tests using

npm test

or if you want a visual coverage guide, use.

jest --coverage


Visit github issues to see a choice of possible tasks for this exercise. Choose a maximum of 2 tasks and limit yourself to just 2 hours. Don't worry if you have not finished, commit your code and be ready to talk about the changes you have made in a face to face interview. Quality of execution is more important than quantity of it.

Key things to think about

  • Accessibility
  • Browser compatibility
  • Tests
  • Types
  • Comments

Commit your code

  • To make changes to the code, first branch from master, creating a branch for each issue you are tackling.
  • Refactor the code or integrate the new features which your tasks require.
  • Once you are finished, create a Pull Request, write about the change you made ready for a code review.

Package Size

The size of this repo is rather large because of the data that has been included. Ideally this data would be served from a server and which reduces the data before it is sent down the wire, however, this is out of scope for this exercise.