BuildUp provides an infrastructure for generating objects for unit / integration tests or sample data:
- Generate objects with sensible default values using a concise declarative API
- Use a range of built-in mechanisms for generating property values (date and number sequences etc.)
- Extend object generators with custom set-up behaviours
- First-class support for generating collections of objects - in BuildUp, everything is a sequence
- Infrastructure for creating extremely concise Test Data Builders
- Designed with "real" behavioural domain models in mind
You define sequences of values using Generators like this:
var codes = StringGenerator.Numbered("user-{0}"); // { "user-0", "user-1" ... } - use {1} for 1-based index of value
var ids = GuidGenerator.Random(); // { random sequence of Guids } - use optional seed parameter for deterministic values
var ages1 = Generator.Constant(21); // { 21, 21, 21 ... }
var ages2 = IntGenerator.Random(18, 60); // { random values between 18 and 60 }
Then, you combine simple generators to create more complex objects:
var userGenerator = from code in StringGenerator.Numbered("user-{0}")
from dateOfBirth in DateGenerator.Random("1970-01-01", "2000-12-31")
from signUpDate in DateGenerator.Random("2012-01-01", "2013-12-31")
from colour in Generator.Constant("grey")
select new User
UserName = code,
DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth,
SignUpDate = signUpDate,
FavouriteColour = colour
The Build
method builds the objects:
var users = userGenerator.Build();
// Returns IEnumerable<User>:
// {
// {UserName: "user-0", DateOfBirth: 1999-06-06, FavouriteColour: "grey" ...},
// {UserName: user-1, DateOfBirth: "2000-06-04", FavouriteColour: "grey" ... },
// ...
// }
Or you can use some other convenience methods:
var users = userGenerator.Take(3);
var user = userGenerator.First();
Generators can be customised in all sorts of ways, allowing you to extend default object setup with more specialised modifications:
// Create a new generator will set a property based on values from another generator
var niceColours = Generator.Values("Pink", "Red", "Green", "Lilac").Loop(4);
var artisticUserGenerator = userGenerator.Set(c => c.FavouriteColour, niceColours);
// Result:
// {
// {UserName: "user-0", DateOfBirth: 1999-06-06, FavouriteColour: "Pink" ...},
// {UserName: user-1, DateOfBirth: "2000-06-04", FavouriteColour: "Red" ... },
// ...
// }
Note that generators are immutable - all extension mechanisms like the Set extension method above create new generators, leaving the originals unmodified.
You might favour writing your own extension methods to define reusable setup behaviours:
public static class UserExtensions
public static IGenerator<User> LockedOut(this IGenerator<User> generator)
return generator.Modify(u => {
// add invalid log-in attempts etc
// snip
var user = userGenerator.LockedOut().First();
See Generators for full background on generators.
When managing a large or complex "hide your secrets, no setters, don't mess" domain model, you can use BuildUp to create Test Data Builders. Here's what you might come up with once you get the hang of it:
public class BookingBuilder : BuilderBase<Booking, BookingBuilder>
private IGenerator<Hotel> hotels = new HotelBuilder().Freeze();
private IGenerator<Customer> customers = new CustomerBuilder();
private IGenerator<DateTime> startDates = DateGenerator.Step(new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
protected override IGenerator<Booking> GetGenerator()
return from hotel in hotels
from customer in customers
from date in startDates
select new Booking(hotel, customer, date);
public BookingBuilder AtHotel(IGenerator<Hotel> hotels)
return Copy(me => = hotels);
public BookingBuilder WithCustomer(IGenerator<Customer> customers)
return Copy(me => me.customers = customers);
public BookingBuilder StartingOn(IGenerator<DateTime> startDates)
return Copy(me => me.startDates = startDates);
See the wiki for full details of BuildUp and its components.
The TODO list includes:
- BuildUp.TestData subproject with realistic demo data, per-locale names, addresses, phone numbers etc
- Better support for building collection properties
BuildUp has been used in private on a number of projects and I'm pleased with it so far.
Feedback at this stage would be super-great, in particular:
- Suggestions for API improvements, no matter how radical!
- Must-have features that you'd need to use BuildUp on your own project
Add an issue, PR or send me a message.