
Docker templates to deploy in the cloud micro-services leveraging Kafka.


Docker-compose templates for Cloud providers Microsoft Azure and AWS to deploy micro-services application leveraging Kafka producer-consumer pattern.

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1. Folder organization

| -- /AWS/
     | -- Dockerrun.aws.json

| -- /AZURE/
     | -- docker-compose-extended-azure.yml
     | -- docker-compose-light-azure.yml      -> light version

2. Prerequisites

3. High Level Architecture

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4. Instructions

4.1. Docker images

These are docker-compose templates for deployment under Azure or AWS.

It uses docker images hosted in Docker Hub Registry.

They are compatible with for Linux OS.

Docker images Docker Repository Description
zookeeper:3.4.9 link Zookeeper
confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.4.0 link Kafka
danmgs/kafkaquickstart-backend-console-producer:1.8 link Kafka C# Console Producer
danmgs/kafkaquickstart-backend-console-consumer:1.8 link Kafka C# Console Consumer
danmgs/kafkaquickstart-middleware-webapi:1.7 link C# WebAPI
danmgs/kafkaquickstart-frontend-webapp:1.7 link Angular WebApp

4.2. Configuration

Before using these templates, you need to configure the Twitter config options:

Options Instructions Mandatory/Optional
TWITTER_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY to replace with your twitter API key Mandatory
TWITTER_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET to replace with your twitter API secret Mandatory
TWITTER_SEARCH_INTERVAL_MS checks frequency in ms of tweets (*) Optional
TWITTER_SEARCH_KEYWORD keyword for tweet search (musique by default) Optional

(*) Note Twitter has a throttling limit with "Too Many Requests" 429 response code. Choose milliseconds value accordingly (not too small)

4.3.1 Deployment under Azure

We will create a web app in App Service.

  1. Select Publish: Docker container and Operating System: Linux
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  1. Select Docker Options: Docker compose and Image Source: Docker Hub.

  2. Upload configuration file docker-compose-extended-azure.yml

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4.3.2 Deployment under AWS

We will create a web app in ElasticBeanstalk.

  1. Create an environment by selecting Web Environment tiers
  2. Select Platform: Multi-container Docker
  3. Upload configuration file Dockerrun.aws.json
  4. Select Configure More Option, in the Capacity, you should select EC2 instance type: t3 medium at least (minimum requirement).
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