Simple python's NLTK API. Provides lexical functionalities like dictionary, synonyms, and lemmatization.
It provides endpoint for looking up entries in the English dictionary powered by WordNet and NLTK 3.0
The preffered way of running this little tool is to use the docker file which is built with every master branch update. You can find this image on the docker hub here. If you want to check out the app quickly, just run:
docker run --rm -d -p 5000:5000 szyku/nltk-api
If you do not want to use the docker image you can always install the requirements.txt and setup an virtualenv for python 3.6.1. You can find a guide in this repo's wiki
- PHP - szyku/php-nltk-client
A full description of the available endpoints can be found here Be sure to read the remarks as they contains useful information.
Check out this guide