Adopt Don't Shop

BE Mod 2 Week 1 Solo Project

Learning Goals


  • Implement CRUD functionality for a resource using forms (form_tag), buttons, and links
  • Use MVC to organize code effectively, limiting the amount of logic included in views and controllers
  • Create routes for
    • standalone resources
    • nested resources
  • Template a view in Rails using a templating language (eg, erb)
  • Implement CRUD functionality for nested resources


  • Create instance methods on a Rails model that use ActiveRecord associations
  • Use built-in ActiveRecord methods to:
  • create, read, update, and destroy records in a database
  • create records with relationships to other records in a database


  • Describe Database Relationships, including the following terms:
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • One to Many
  • Write migrations to create tables and relationships between tables
  • Describe ORMs and their advantages and use cases

Testing and Debugging

  • Write feature tests utilizing:
  • RSpec and Capybara
  • CSS selectors to target specific areas of a page
  • Use Pry or Byebug in Rails files to get more information about an error
  • Use save_and_open_page to view the HTML generated when visiting a path in a feature test
  • Utilize the Rails console as a tool to get more information about the current state of a development database
  • Use rails routes to get additional information about the routes that exist in a Rails application


  • Create basic Web Pages using the following tags
  • <h1>, <h2>, etc.
  • <p>
  • <body>
  • <a> and the href attribute
  • <img> and the src attribute
  • <div>
  • <section>
  • <ul>, <ol>, and <li>
  • <form>
  • <input>
  • Select HTML elements using classes and ids

Web Applications

  • Describe the HTTP request/response cycle
  • Describe the different parts of HTTP requests and responses


  • must use Rails 5.1.x
  • must use PostgreSQL
  • must "handroll" all routes (no use of resources syntax)
  • must use form_tag for all forms (no use of form_for)


  • use FactoryBot to speed up your test development
  • use "rails generators" to speed up your app development

Not Permitted

  • do not use JavaScript for pagination or sorting controls


  • if there is a specific gem you'd like to use in the project, please get permission from your instructors firs


Feature Completeness Rails ActiveRecord Testing and Debugging Styling, UI/UX
4: Exceptional All User Stories 100% complete including edge cases, and at least one extension story completed Students implement strategies not discussed in class to effectively organize code using POROs and adhere to MVC Highly effective and efficient use of ActiveRecord beyond what we've taught in class. Even .each calls will not cause additional database lookups. Very clear Test Driven Development. Test files are extremely well organized and nested. Students utilize before :each blocks. 100% coverage for features and models Extremely well styled and purposeful layout. Excellent color scheme and font usage. All other rubric categories score 3 or 4.
3: Passing Students complete all User Stories. No more than 2 Stories fail to correctly implement functionality. Students use the principles of MVC to effectively organize code. Students can defend any of their design decisions. ActiveRecord is used in a clear and effective way to read/write data using no Ruby to process data. 100% coverage for models. 98% coverage for features. Tests are well written and meaningful. Purposeful styling pattern and layout using application.html.erb. Links or buttons to reach all areas of the site.
2: Passing with Concerns Students complete all but 3-5 User Stories Students utilize MVC to organize code, but cannot defend some of their design decisions. Ruby is used to process data that could use ActiveRecord instead. Feature test coverage between 90% and 98%, or model test coverage below 100%, or tests are not meaningfully written or have an unclear objective. Styling is poor or incomplete. Incomplete navigation for some routes, i.e. users must manually type URLs.
1: Failing Students fail to complete 6 or more User Stories Students do not effectively organize code Ruby is used to process data more often than ActiveRecord Below 90% coverage for either features or models. No styling or no buttons or links to navigate the site.

User Stories

[x] done

User Story 1, Deploy your application to Heroku

As a visitor or user of the site
I will perform all user stories
By visiting the application on Heroku.
Localhost is fine for development, but
the application must be hosted on Heroku.


Shelters are organizations that have pets available for adoption.

[x] done

User Story 2, Shelter Index

As a visitor
When I visit '/shelters'
Then I see the name of each shelter in the system
[x] done

User Story 3, Shelter Show

As a visitor
When I visit '/shelters/:id'
Then I see the shelter with that id including the shelter's:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
[x] done

User Story 4, Shelter Creation

As a visitor
When I visit the Shelter Index page
Then I see a link to create a new Shelter
When I click this link
Then I am taken to '/shelters/new' where I  see a form for a new shelter
When I fill out the form with a new shelter's:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
And I click the button to submit the form
Then a `POST` request is sent to '/shelters',
a new shelter is created,
and I am redirected to the Shelter Index page where I see the new Shelter listed.
[x] done

User Story 5, Shelter Update

As a visitor
When I visit a shelter show page
Then I see a link to update the shelter
When I click the link
Then I am taken to '/shelters/:id/edit' where I  see a form to edit the shelter's data including:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
When I fill out the form with updated information
And I click the button to submit the form
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/shelters/:id',
the shelter's info is updated,
and I am redirected to the Shelter's Show page where I see the shelter's updated info
[x] done

User Story 6, Shelter Delete

As a visitor
When I visit a shelter show page
Then I see a link to delete the shelter
When I click the link
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/shelters/:id',
the shelter is deleted,
and I am redirected to the shelter index page where I no longer see this shelter


Pets can be adopted from the Shelter. Pets belong to a shelter.

[x] done

User Story 7, Pet Index

As a visitor
When I visit '/pets'
Then I see each Pet in the system including the Pet's:
- image
- name
- approximate age
- sex
- name of the shelter where the pet is currently located
[ ] done

User Story 8, Shelter Pets Index

As a visitor
When I visit '/shelters/:shelter_id/pets'
Then I see each Pet that can be adopted from that Shelter with that shelter_id including the Pet's:
- image
- name
- approximate age
- sex
[ ] done

User Story 9, Pet Show

As a visitor
When I visit '/pets/:id'
Then I see the pet with that id including the pet's:
- image
- name
- description
- approximate age
- sex
- adoptable/pending adoption status
[ ] done

User Story 10, Shelter Pet Creation

As a visitor
When I visit a Shelter Pets Index page
Then I see a link to add a new adoptable pet for that shelter
When I click the link
I am taken to '/shelters/:shelter_id/pets/new' where I see a form to add a new adoptable pet
When I fill in the form with the pet's:
- image
- name
- description
- approximate age
- sex ('female' or 'male')
Then a `POST` request is sent to '/shelters/:shelter_id/pets',
a new pet is created for that shelter,
that pet has a status of 'adoptable',
and I am redirected to the Shelter Pets Index page where I can see the new pet listed
[ ] done

User Story 11, Pet Update

As a visitor
When I visit a Pet Show page
Then I see a link to update that Pet
When I click the link
I am taken to '/pets/:id/edit' where I see a form to edit the pet's data including:
- image
- name
- description
- approximate age
- sex
When I click the button to submit the form
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/pets/:id',
the pet's data is updated,
and I am redirected to the Pet Show page where I see the Pet's updated information
[ ] done

User Story 12, Pet Delete

As a visitor
When I visit a pet show page
Then I see a link to delete the pet
When I click the link
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/pets/:id',
the pet is deleted,
and I am redirected to the pet index page where I no longer see this pet


Users should be able to use the site easily. This means making sure there are links/buttons to reach all parts of the site and the styling/layout is sensible.

[ ] done

User Story 13, Shelter Update From Shelter Index Page

As a visitor
When I visit the shelter index page
Next to every shelter, I see a link to edit that shelter's info
When I click the link
I should be taken to that shelters edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 5
[ ] done

User Story 14, Shelter Delete From Shelter Index Page

As a visitor
When I visit the shelter index page
Next to every shelter, I see a link to delete that shelter
When I click the link
I am returned to the Shelter Index Page where I no longer see that shelter
[ ] done

User Story 15, Pet Update From Pets Index Page

As a visitor
When I visit the pets index page or a shelter pets index page
Next to every pet, I see a link to edit that pet's info
When I click the link
I should be taken to that pets edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 11
[ ] done

User Story 16, Pet Delete From Pets Index Page

As a visitor
When I visit the pets index page or a shelter pets index page
Next to every pet, I see a link to delete that pet
When I click the link
I should be taken to the pets index page where I no longer see that pet
[ ] done

User Story 17, Shelter Links

As a visitor
When I click on the name a shelter anywhere on the site
Then that link takes me to that Shelter's show page
[ ] done

User Story 18, Pet Links

As a visitor
When I click on the name a pet anywhere on the site
Then that link takes me to that Pet's show page
[ ] done

User Story 19, Pet Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Pet Index
[ ] done

User Story 20, Shelter Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Shelter Index
[ ] done

User Story 21, Shelter Pet Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit a shelter show page ('/shelters/:id')
Then I see a link to take me to that shelter's pets page ('/shelters/:id/pets')
[ ] done

User Story 22, Styling

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I should see a reasonably well styled page


[ ] done

User Story 23, Shelter Pet Count

As a visitor
When I visit a shelter pets index page
I see a count of the number of pets at this shelter

[ ] done

User Story 24, Adoptable Pets Display First

As a visitor
When I visit a shelter pets index or a pets index page
I see adoptable pets listed before pets whose adoption status is pending

[ ] done

User Story 25, Pet Filter by Adoptable Status

As a visitor
When I visit the pets index page or a shelter pets index page
I see a link to show only adoptable pets
I also see a link to show only adoption-pending pets
When I click the link
Then my path is something like '/pets?adoptable=true' or '/pets?adoptable=false' (respectively)
And I see only the pets that are adoptable/pending adoption (respectively).
[ ] done

User Story 26, Change Pet's Adoptable/Pending Adoption Status

As a visitor
When I visit a Pet Show page
Then I see a link to change the pet's adoptable status
Adoptable pets should have the link "Change to Adoption Pending"
Adoption Pending pets should have the link "Change to Adoptable"
When I click the link
Then a 'PATCH' request is sent to '/pets/:id/adoptable' or 'pets/:id/pending' (depending on the link)
and I am redirected to the Pet Show page where I see the pet's status has been changed
[ ] done

User Story 27, Sort Shelters by number of adoptable pets

As a visitor
When I visit the Shelter Index Page
Then I see a link to sort shelters by the number of adoptable pets they have
When I click on the link
I'm taken back to the Shelters Index Page where I see all of the shelters in order of their count of adoptable pets (highest to lowest)
[ ] done

User Story 28, Sort Shelters in Alphabetical Order

As a visitor
When I visit the Shelter Index Page
Then I see a link to sort shelters in alphabetical order
When I click on the link
I'm taken back to the Shelters Index Page where I see all of the shelters in alphabetical order