
1908 final

Primary LanguageRuby



  • Fork this Repository
  • Clone YOUR fork
  • Compete the activity below
  • Commit code every 15 minutes
  • Push your solution to your fork
  • Submit a pull request AT NOON (not before) from your repository to the turingschool-examples repository
    • Make sure to put your name in your PR!

Pay Careful Attention

You must create the methods exactly as described below. You may make additional helper methods if you like, but the interfaces we describe below are expected to be built according to the following interaction patterns. Pay careful attention to the naming of methods, the types of parameters passed, and their return values!

Iteration 1

Use TDD to create a Photograph and an Artist class that respond to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/photograph'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/artist'
#=> true

pry(main)> attributes = {
  id: "1",
  name: "Rue Mouffetard, Paris (Boy with Bottles)",
  artist_id: "4",
  year: "1954"

pry(main)> photograph = Photograph.new(attributes)
#=> #<Photograph:0x00007fc2d1050c80...>

pry(main)> attributes = {
  id: "2",
  name: "Ansel Adams",
  born: "1902",
  died: "1984",
  country: "United States"

pry(main)> artist = Artist.new(attributes)
#=> #<Artist:0x00007fc2d0a6c080...>

pry(main)> artist.id
#=> "2"

pry(main)> artist.name
#=> "Ansel Adams"

pry(main)> artist.born
#=> "1902"

pry(main)> artist.died
#=> "1984"

pry(main)> artist.country
#=> "United States"

Iteration 2

Use TDD to create a Curator class that responds to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/photograph'
# => true

pry(main)> require './lib/artist'
# => true

pry(main)> require './lib/curator'
# => true

pry(main)> curator = Curator.new    
# => #<Curator:0x00007fb3d9111cc0...>

pry(main)> curator.photographs
# => []

pry(main)> photo_1 = Photograph.new({
     id: "1",      
     name: "Rue Mouffetard, Paris (Boy with Bottles)",      
     artist_id: "1",      
     year: "1954"      
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fb3d8ea1cd8...>

pry(main)> photo_2 = Photograph.new({
     id: "2",      
     name: "Moonrise, Hernandez",      
     artist_id: "2",      
     year: "1941"      
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fb3d8e0bfa8...>

pry(main)> curator.add_photograph(photo_1)

pry(main)> curator.add_photograph(photo_2)

pry(main)> curator.photographs
# => [#<Photograph:0x00007fb3d8ea1cd8...>, #<Photograph:0x00007fb3d8e0bfa8...>]

pry(main)> curator.artists
# => []

pry(main)> artist_1 = Artist.new({
    id: "1",      
    name: "Henri Cartier-Bresson",      
    born: "1908",      
    died: "2004",      
    country: "France"      
# => #<Artist:0x00007fb3d8b4ed60...>

pry(main)> artist_2 = Artist.new({
    id: "2",      
    name: "Ansel Adams",      
    born: "1902",      
    died: "1984",      
    country: "United States"      
# => #<Artist:0x00007fb3d90bb4b0...>

pry(main)> curator.add_artist(artist_1)

pry(main)> curator.add_artist(artist_2)

pry(main)> curator.artists
# => [#<Artist:0x00007fb3d8b4ed60...>, #<Artist:0x00007fb3d90bb4b0...>]

pry(main)> curator.find_artist_by_id("1")
# => #<Artist:0x00007fb3d8b4ed60...>

pry(main)> curator.find_photograph_by_id("2")
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fb3d8e0bfa8...>

Iteration 3

Use TDD to update your Curator class so that is supports the following methods:

  • find_photographs_by_artist(artist) - This method takes an Artist object and returns an Array of all the Artist's photographs. A Photograph is linked to an Artist by its artist_id
  • artists_with_multiple_photographs - This method returns an Array of all Artists who have more than one photograph
  • photographs_taken_by_artists_from(string) - This method takes a String representing a country. It returns an Array of Photographs that were taken by a photographer from that country.

The Curator class should now respond to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/photograph'
# => true

pry(main)> require './lib/artist'
# => true

pry(main)> require './lib/curator'
# => true

pry(main)> curator = Curator.new
# => #<Curator:0x00007fabc6c2b680...>

pry(main)> photo_1 = Photograph.new({
     id: "1",      
     name: "Rue Mouffetard, Paris (Boy with Bottles)",      
     artist_id: "1",      
     year: "1954"      
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fabc6933180...>

pry(main)> photo_2 = Photograph.new({    
     id: "2",      
     name: "Moonrise, Hernandez",      
     artist_id: "2",      
     year: "1941"      
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fabc6c28e58...>

pry(main)> photo_3 = Photograph.new({    
     id: "3",      
     name: "Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey",      
     artist_id: "3",      
     year: "1967"      
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fabc5bb9ef0...>

pry(main)> photo_4 = Photograph.new({    
     id: "4",      
     name: "Monolith, The Face of Half Dome",      
     artist_id: "3",      
     year: "1927"      
# => #<Photograph:0x00007fabc6b931f0...>

pry(main)> artist_1 = Artist.new({    
     id: "1",      
     name: "Henri Cartier-Bresson",      
     born: "1908",      
     died: "2004",      
     country: "France"      
# => #<Artist:0x00007fabc6a52340...>

pry(main)> artist_2 = Artist.new({    
     id: "2",      
     name: "Ansel Adams",      
     born: "1902",      
     died: "1984",      
     country: "United States"      
# => #<Artist:0x00007fabc6c20870...>

pry(main)> artist_3 = Artist.new({    
     id: "3",      
     name: "Diane Arbus",      
     born: "1923",      
     died: "1971",      
     country: "United States"      
# => #<Artist:0x00007fabc5ba0c70...>

pry(main)> curator.add_artist(artist_1)  

pry(main)> curator.add_artist(artist_2)    

pry(main)> curator.add_artist(artist_3)

pry(main)> curator.add_photograph(photo_1)

pry(main)> curator.add_photograph(photo_2)

pry(main)> curator.add_photograph(photo_3)

pry(main)> curator.add_photograph(photo_4)

pry(main)> curator.find_photographs_by_artist(artist_3)
# => [#<Photograph:0x00007fabc5bb9ef0...>, #<Photograph:0x00007fabc6b931f0...>]

pry(main)> curator.artists_with_multiple_photographs
# => [#<Artist:0x00007fabc5ba0c70...>]

pry(main)> curator.photographs_taken_by_artist_from("United States")
# => [#<Photograph:0x00007fabc6c28e58...>, #<Photograph:0x00007fabc5bb9ef0...>, #<Photograph:0x00007fabc6b931f0...>

pry(main)> curator.photographs_taken_by_artist_from("Argentina")
# => []

Iteration 4

Use TDD to add the following methods to your Curator class:

  • load_photographs(file) - This method takes a path to a CSV file containing photographs and adds them to the Curator. You may find the included FileIO class useful.
  • load_artists(file) - This method takes a path to a CSV file containing artists and adds them to the Curator. You may find the included FileIO class useful.
  • photographs_taken_between(range) - This method takes a range and returns an array of all photographs with a year that falls in that range.
  • artists_photographs_by_age(artist)- This method takes an Artist object and return a hash where the keys are the Artists age when they took a photograph, and the values are the names of the photographs.
pry(main)> require './lib/curator'

pry(main)> curator = Curator.new
#=> #<Curator:0x00007fd98685b2b0...>

pry(main)> curator.load_photographs('./data/photographs.csv')

pry(main)> curator.load_artists('./data/artists.csv')

pry(main)> curator.photographs_taken_between(1950..1965)
#=> [#<Photograph:0x00007fd986254740...>, #<Photograph:0x00007fd986254678...>]

pry(main)> diane_arbus = curator.find_artist_by_id("3")    

pry(main)> curator.artists_photographs_by_age(diane_arbus)
=> {44=>"Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey", 39=>"Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park"}