
Personal website and blog built using Hugo

Primary LanguageHTML


To build all content, including drafts, and run a web server:

hugo server --buildDrafts

To create a new blog post:

hugo new blog/my-blog.md

To create a new blog post which contains images, you will need to create the post in a directory:

hugo new blog/my-blog/index.md

You can then add an image file to that directory, and refer to it as the cover photo:

title: "My Blog"
date: 2023-09-03T08:39:41+01:00
draft: true
    responsiveImages: true # will generate responsive images automatically
    relative: true # needed so that the meta data image path works
    image: "images/featured.jpg" # path relative to the new folder you created. E.g. ./blog/my-blog/images/featured.jpg
    # image: https://i.ibb.co/K0HVPBd/paper-mod-profilemode.png # can also be a direct external link
    alt: "An image of ..."
    caption: "A picture showing ..."