
View and edit multiple resources via a grid interface

Primary LanguagePHP

#GridEditor ModX Component# A quick and easy grid view for resources, with support for inline-editing and search/filtering.

Note: This component was originally commissioned by Himmelberger Design who have consented that this code remain open-source and publicly licensed.

Current Version

A transport package for v1.0-rc1 is available for download here. This release candidate is still not finalised, and some TV input types may behave unpredictably. Please log any bugs on the github issue tracker


You can create as many different GridView pages as you like by creating manager 'Menu' items through the MODx manager. Configurations for individual pages are managed via MODx chunks for ease of use and modification.

Setting up a GridEditor page

To create a GridEditor page in your MODx manager interface, create a new Menu Action via the System/Actions screen. Menu Action should be set to grideditor - controller and you specify the name of a configuration chunk in the following format in the parameters field &config=[ConfigName]

Configuring GridEditor

GridEditor is designed to be as flexible as possible when it comes to displaying, editing and filtering resources & fields in the grid. All aspects of the view are controlled via a JSON object stored in a configuration chunk. When looking for a config chunk, GridEditor will prefix grideditor.config. to the start of a chunk's name. Therefore you would create a chunk called grideditor.config.[ConfigName]

PHP's JSON support is very strict and will fail at the smallest deviation from strict formatting rules. I have plans add a more stable and capable json decoder in future versions, but for the moment be sure your config file follows these guidelines:

  • All field names should be enclosed with double quotation marks "
  • All strings should be enclosed with double quotation marks "
  • No trailing commas on the property

Example GridEditor config chunk

   * Page Title
   * @var string
  "title": "My First GridEditor",

   * Templates to restrict view to
   *  Can either be template Name (string) or ID (integer)
   * @var array of (string|int)
  "templates": ["BaseTemplate"],

   * Name of field to group resources by 
   *  Field must also appear in either Fields or Tvs arrays
   * @var string Field Name
  "grouping": "MyTvField",

   * Field to filter on via dropdown
   * @var object
  "filter": {
             "field": "tv_AnotherComboTv",
             "label": "Colour"

   * Fields to include in text search 
   * @var array of string
  "search": ["pagetitle"],

   * Resource Fields to include in grid
   * @var array of object
  "fields": [{
             "field": "pagetitle",
             "label": "Product",
             "editable": true
             "field": "hidemenu",
             "label": "Checkbox",
             "editable": true
             "field": "template",
             "label": "Template",
             "editable": true,
             "editor": "modx-combo-template"

   * Template Variable fields to include in view 
   * @var array of object
  "tvs": [{
             "field": "MyTvName",
             "label": "My Tv Name",
             "editable": false

   * Resource controls to offer
   * @var array of string
  "controls": ["publish","edit","delete","new"],

   * Default parent id for new resources created via the 'new' button
   * @var int Resource ID
  "newResourceParent": 2

   * Additional Javascript files to include on pageload
   *  Useful for loading custom renderer functions
   * @var array of string
  "javascripts": [


Configuration Options

Page Title title

Sets the page title (both on-screen and in browser toolbar)

  /* ... */
  "title": "This is my page title"

Template Selectors templates

An array of template names (string) or IDs (int) to restrict displayed resources to

  /* ... */
  "templates": ["BaseTemplate",2]

Resource Grouping grouping

Group resources by value of a specific field. Specified field must be listed in either the fields or tvs arrays.

  /* ... */
  "grouping": "MyTvField"

Filter Field filter

If specified, will create a dropdown selector of every unique value of the specified name field so that results can be filtered accordingly. Optional label attribute will set a label on the dropdown. Specified field must be listed in either the fields or tvs arrays.

  /* ... */
  "filter": {
       "field": "contentType",
       "label": "Content Type"

Search Fields search

Array of field names to include in text-search. If one or more fields are specified, a text-search box will be shown with the grid. Specified fields must be listed in either the fields or tvs arrays.

  /* ... */
  "search": ["pagetitle","longtitle","introtext"]

Resource Controls controls

An array of optional controls to offer on resources. Options are:

  • publish - Enable toggling of publish state from grid
  • edit - Provide a link to the resource editing page
  • delete - Provide a button that will delete the resource
  • new - Provide a 'Create New Resource' button in the toolbar. If property newResourceParent is specified, resource will be created as it's child, otherwise resources will be created in site root.
  /* ... */
  "controls": ["publish","edit","delete","new"]

New Resource parent newResourceParent

The ID of a resource to use as parent when creating new resources via the 'new' control

  /* ... */
  "newResourceParent": 2

Additional Javascripts javascripts

Array of additional javascripts to include on pageload. Useful for loading custom renderer functions.

  /* ... */
  "javascripts": [

Resource Fields fields

Most resource fields are supported, with default editors and renderers built in. Supported fields are: contentType,pagetitle,description,alias,link_attributes, pub_date,unpub_date,introtext,menutitle,menuindex,template

Fields can be configured using several parameters to customize their behaviour:

  • field: [required] Name of the resource field
  • label: [optional] Label to use for grid column. Defaults to field name
  • sortable: [optional] Can this column be sorted? Defaults to false
  • editable: [optional] Can this field be edited? Defaults to false
  • editor: [optional] Override the default editor xtype
  • renderer: [optional] Override the default javascript renderer function
  • order: [optional] Numeric value to sort fields by before display
  • width: [optional] Explicitely set column width
  • hidden: [optional] Allows a field to be used for search/filtering but not appear in grid. Defaults to false
  /* ... */
  "fields": [{
       "field": "pagetitle",
       "label": "Title",
       "editable": true,
       "sortable": true
       "field": "contentType",
       "label": "Page Type",
       "editable": false
       "field": "introtext",
       "label": "Field hijacked as a date",
       "editable": true,
       "editor": "xdatetime"

Template Variable fields tvs

Template Variable fields can be included alongside resource fields in the grid using the same parameters. Editor inputs are automatically detected from TV input type unless overridden in config.

Note: At this time only text, textarea and single-select listboxes are fully supported by default. All other TV input types will default to a textfield editor unless an alternative editor is explicitely specified in the config file. Default renderers exist for checkboxes and image TVs. Checkbox TVs are only implemented with a single checkbox at this point

Fields can be configured using several parameters to customize their behaviour:

  • field: [required] Name of the TV
  • label: [optional] Label to use for grid column. Defaults to field name
  • sortable: [optional] Can this column be sorted? Defaults to false
  • editable: [optional] Can this field be edited? Defaults to false
  • editor: [optional] Override the default editor xtype
  • renderer: [optional] Override the default javascript renderer function
  • order: [optional] Numeric value to sort fields by before display
  • width: [optional] Explicitely set column width
  • hidden: [optional] Allows a field to be used for search/filtering but not appear in grid. Defaults to false
  /* ... */
  "tvs": [{
       "field": "MyTvName",
       "label": "My TV Name",
       "editable": true,
       "sortable": true
       "field": "AnotherTvName",
       "label": "A Different TV",
       "editable": false

Resource Field Defaults

Most resource fields are supported, with default editors and renderers built in. Defaults can be overridden in the config chunk.

Content Type contentType

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Native content type dropdown (modx-combo-content-type)

Page Title pagetitle

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Text input (textfield)

Description description

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Textarea input (textarea)

URL Alias alias

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Text Input (textfield)

Link Attributes link_attributes

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Text input (textfield)

Publish Date pub_date

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Date picker (xdatetime)

Unpublish Date unpub_date

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Date picker (xdatetime)

Summary/Intro introtext

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Textarea input (textarea)

Menu Order menuindex

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Text input (textfield)

Menu Title menutitle

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Text input (textfield)

Template template

  • Default Renderer: text
  • Default Editor: Native Template selector (modx-combo-template)