Recursos varios para prepararte para una entrevista técnica
- Buenas práticas
- Algoritmos y Estucturas de Datos
- Patrones de diseño
- Preguntas más frecuentes
- Ejercicios más comunes en entrevistas
- Practicar algoritmos y estructuras de datos
SOLID en Javascript Vanilla Inglés
Demystifying Software Development Principles: DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SOLID, GRASP, and LoD
Clean Code en Javascript Español
Clean Code en Javascript Inglés
Guidelines for writing JavaScript code examples
JavaScript Best Practices by
JavaScript Best Practices by W3Schools
Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide()
30 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners
10 Best Practices for Writing Clean React Code
React Best Practices – Tips for Writing Better React Code in 2022
React best practices and patterns to reduce code
React Best Practices Every Developer Have to Follow in 2023
10 Best Practices for Building Scalable Angular Applications — With examples
TypeScript best practices by AWS
TypeScript Best Practices 2021
Python Best Practices to Follow in 2023
Django Model Best Practices: Tips and Tricks for Clean and Efficient Code
The Dart Way: Best Coding Practices
10 Best Practices Every Flutter Developer Should Follow
Java Best Practices (recomendado)
Collecting the best C++ practices
Boost Your C++ Coding Skills: 5 Tips For Faster, Better Code
PHP Programming Best Practices and Coding Styles
Types of Queue
Circular Queue
Priority Queue
Linked List
Linked List Operations
Types of Linked List
Hash Table
Heap Data Structure
Fibonacci Heap
Decrease Key and Delete node from Fibonacci Heap
Tree Data Structure
Tree Traversal
Binary Tree
Full Binary Tree
Perfect Binary Tree
Complete Binary Tree
Balanced Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
AVL Tree
B Tree
Insertion into B-tree
Deletion from B-tree
B+ Tree
Insertion on a B+ Tree
Deletion from a B+ Tree
Red Black Tree
Insertion in Red Black Tree
Deletion from Red Black Tree
Graph Data Structure
Spanning Tree
Strongly Connected Components
Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency List
DFS Algorithm
Breadth-first Search
Bellman Ford's Algorithm
En esta web podrás ver como funcionan de manera visual los siguientes algoritmos:
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Random Quick Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Doubly Linked List
- Deque
Hash Tables
- Linear Probing
- Quadratic Probing
- Double Hashing
- Separate Chaining
Binary Heap
Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
Patrones de diseño Español (Recomendación personal)
Patrones de diseño en Javascript
- Patrones Creacionales
- Singleton
- Factory Method
- Abstract Factory
- Builder
- Prototype
- Patrones Estructurales
- Adapter
- Bridge
- Composite
- Decorator
- Facade
- Flyweight
- Proxy
- Patrones de comportamiento
- Chain of Responsibility
- Command
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observer
- State
- Strategy
- Template Method
- Interpreter
- Visitor
- Vue Interview questions
- React Interview questions
- Angualar Interview questions
- Javascript Interview questions
- Java Interview questions
- Spring Interview questions
- PHP Interview questions
- Python Interview questions
- Django Interview questions
- SQL Interview questions
- Cracking the SQL interview
- Invertir un array/string
- Eliminar duplicados de un array/string
- Qué es el Event Loop??
Worked with viewer version 2 second version (NOX framework)
Composition API- what kind of things u use- (own hooks,ref methods,
Typescript integration have u find it difficult- working with JS or typescript in vuejs-
Mutation action and so on (explain)
Environment and ecosystem
Jenkins pipeline
Azure AWS- file management system S3 buckets-
Share keys
Master passwords
Designing principles
Predefine Es-lint. Code readable
Improve the code- layer of abstraction, Automation test, unit testing, end to end testing
Define release flow GIT –
- Coding task**
find ids count in object
customer comunication
Waterfall, agile, cascade methodologies
calculate the complexity of a ticket or user story.
estimate in relative units.
Dif using points and hours
Designing architecture
Object oriented programming
paradigm & others (functional programming i.e…..)
Base paradigm principals (object oriented)
Data bases
Have u work with databases? Sql
Do u know some techniques of optimization (normalize my table, my information from many to many so I don’t have to look up for every single email, primary keys, (index information)limited 10,000 thousand records, no doing a query with 2 base connection, joing, inner join reck heads? To find specific pattern that brings all your requirements.
Dif sql and non sql data bases
Make the answer short for this questions until we star with framework
Styling- CSSS, Flybox lay out, Dif btw flexbox and green lay out, complex conditions in CSS, Qerys
create the naming of the CSS
dif frameworks for CSS
CSS defining variables
Create theme for CSS
Semantic mark up
Shadow dom
optimize an HTML page
data visualization tools, D3 high charts,
Map box.
type variables in JS- array
promise and asynchrony way-
multithread or single thread
manage more than one thread
HTTP works
Graphql- how it works
Progressive web app
Configure some boundless
deal with troubles in production
AWS- optimize services
Code quality – unit testing tools
analysis tools for the code- solarq
metrics unit testing-
Garbage collector
Compare HTTP request and web sockets.
Cloud (ur experience and questions according to)
Software development process
Life cycles (what is it? How it works with it)
Kanban and scrum
Engineer based on previous exp risk. What tools to measure risk.
Requirements functional and non-functional
Optional, mostly for PM managers good to understand. RCA metrics
RACI es un acrónimo en inglés (Responsable, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) que ayuda a los equipos a brindar
claridad con respecto a la asignación de roles en un proyecto y determinar quién es el responsable de una tarea específica
Integration testing
Code quality
solid principles
dif btw class and object
architecture patterns i.e. MVC
how microservices work
bootstrap and Semantic elements in HTML
Java -Single treat or Multithreaded
Asynchronies task-JavaScript
promise all.
promise rest.
End to end testing
Functional and non functional (how much time should tell per request, browser supports- non functional)
RACI MATRIX – root cause analysis-
Used case diagram
Software architecture/techniques
JavaScript-object oriented programing- explain some crucial parts of object oriented-
Caring techniques
SOLID principles,
Data bases-
What database u have been working with
Using sequel have u done like huge migration, which tools have u use
Mongo DB (dynamo DB)
CSS framework
Script or Flex
sass lass advantages u see on regular CSS
Variables is there any way to declare a variable in the normal CSS
Mixings- maybe something else u have found helpful from pre processors
Nesting deviarables
Unit since CSS
Difference btwn RAM and pixels
Difference btw Fixet & absolut
Set collection / what is it
What about net collection
Week map and week set map collection
Garbage collector
Proxy API- it has a crucial role in nodejs framework track observability and
reflect API.
Asynchronous this flow
Event loop
Call stack
How the event knows this piece of code is ready to execute?-
Macro cube
The commands from JavaScript or is browser related
Dif local storage & session storage
HTTP difference HTPS
How HTTPS works in plain English- how the protocol works
REST concept
Vuejs, excel library-
In oksys have u implement such things /interceptor