
Any plans for a NuGet?

Closed this issue · 12 comments

As title really - any plans for a NuGet package?

Had not thought about it but will definitely look into it.

PR raised for this - #7

Thanks @jimbobbennett will check it out today

I would use that!

@dannycabrera - thanks for merging the PR. Are you going to push to nuget, or do you want me to do it?

@jimbobbennett been trying to create the package on VS2017 from PC and msbuild having issues with it appears is this line "<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets" />". Were you able to create the package?

Do you have the Xamarin workload installed in VS2017? I can create the package fine from VS for Mac.

The NuGet is attached. I had to add a .zip extension on the end to get GitHub to allow it, so download and just rename to remove the .zip


Thanks for the upload @jimbobbennett. Getting same error from VS on Mac:


That's awesome! Thanks!

Ah - looks like I moved something and forgot to update the csproj - apologies.

PR raised for the fix:

The pack issue was the issue I had building nuget package, all good now with PR #9