- 7
iPhone 13/14 references (incl. new iPad)
#29 opened by xperseguers - 1
- 4
[Enhancement] .NET Standard support
#16 opened by andreas-nesheim - 2
Proposal: JSON meta for lookup
#22 opened by zijianhuang - 1
ChipType not visible
#23 opened by fullphat - 3
iPhone 12 references
#25 opened by xperseguers - 3
Values in iOS App not matching samples
#24 opened by luis-cortina - 2
- 5
Unable to install Nuget package version 1.11.0
#19 opened by kevingy - 1
iPhone 11 codes
#18 opened by xperseguers - 1
Mapping from model to chip type
#15 opened by follesoe - 3
iPhone XS, XR, and XS Max
#13 opened by patkozlowski - 1
- 5
- 15
- 5
iOSHardware class should be public
#8 opened by alexshikov - 12
Any plans for a NuGet?
#6 opened by jimbobbennett - 3
iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus Hardware Strings
#5 opened by adamzucchi - 4
No license
#2 opened by kylekurz - 1
iPhone5,2 wrong Identifier String
#1 opened by caffeineflo