Android Classes

This project will help you practice the skills and concepts you learned related to structs and classes in Java. For this project you'll build an app that is a basic contacts manager app. It will allow you to save and view contact information for your friends.

Create an Android Studio Project

  1. Create a new Android Studio project
  2. Name the project "Friends"

Add UI Elements to activity_main.xml

  1. Open the app's activity_main.xml file.
  2. Add two edit text fields to the main screen.
  3. Add a button to the main screen
  4. Make the button's text "Create Contact"
  5. Add a scroll view with a linear layout child to the screen.

Create Listeners

  1. Create an even listener for the button in MainActivity.kt
  2. Create data members for all other widgets MainActivity.kt

Write a Contact class

  1. Create a new file called "Contact.kt"
  2. Create a class called Contact
  3. Add name and phoneNumber properties to the signature, both are String objects.
  4. Write an constructor that takes name and phoneNumber as arguments and initializes the corresponding properties using this. syntax.
  5. Write a property called display with a getter that combines the name and phoneNumber and returns it

Write A Contacts Manager class

  1. Create a new file called "ContactsManager.kt"
  2. Create a class called ContactsManager
  3. It should contain a property called contacts whose type is MutableList<Contact>

this property should be in the primary constructor definition and can be given a default value of a new empty list

  1. Add a method with the signature fun createContact(name: String, phone: String). It should create a new instance of Contact, and add it to the contacts ArrayList.
  2. In MainActivity.kt, add a data member called contactsManager instantiate and assign an instance of ContactsManager to it

val contactsManager = ContactsManager() can do this

Implement The User Interface

  1. In the action for the "Create Contact" button, get the strings entered in the text field.
  2. Use these strings to call the contacts manager's createContact() method.
  3. Write a method that will generate and return a TextView that accepts a String as the text value.
  4. Refresh the the text view by adding the new contact as a new text view to your linear layout view.
  5. Every contact from the array should be in this list

Build, Run, and Test Your App

  1. Build and run your app using the your preferred testing environment.
  2. Enter various contacts making sure that they text view shows each contact you create.


If you finish and want another challenge try adding the ability to delete contacts.

TIP: You'll have to find a way to identify which contact to delete. The "TAG" attribute allows you to attach hidden information to the UI element. This could be used to add a unique id that would then be matched in the Contact class to ensure that the correct contact is deleted.