
Kotlin Animal Kingdom


Build classes with examples of inheritance



  • Create an abstract class for animals
    • All animals consume food the same way
    • Each animal is assigned a unique number, a name, and year discovered regardless of classification.
    • The methods will return a string saying how that animal implements the action
    • Animals can move, breath, reproduce
      • This must be implemented with a base class for each of these types and then child classes for the way each animal implements it (base class move, child classes, walk, fly, swim)
  • Create classes for mammals, birds, fish
    • Mammals move - walk, breath - lungs, reproduce - live births
    • Birds move - fly, breath - lungs, reproduce - eggs
    • Fish move - swim, breath - gills, reproduce - eggs


  • Create a collection for the animals using the following data
    • Mammals:
      • Name: Panda Year Named: 1869
      • Name: Zebra Year Named: 1778
      • Name: Koala Year Named: 1816
      • Name: Sloth Year Named: 1804
      • Name: Armadillo Year Named: 1758
      • Name: Raccoon Year Named: 1758
      • Name: Bigfoot Year Named: 2021
    • Birds:
      • Name: Pigeon Year Named: 1837
      • Name: Peacock Year Named: 1821
      • Name: Toucan Year Named: 1758
      • Name: Parrot Year Named: 1824
      • Name: Swan Year Named: 1758
    • Fish:
      • Name: Salmon Year Named: 1758
      • Name: Catfish Year Named: 1817
      • Name: Perch Year Named: 1758

Collection Methods

  • Using Lambda Expressions
    • List all the animals in descending order by year named
    • List all the animals alphabetically
    • List all the animals order by how they move
    • List only those animals the breath with lungs
    • List only those animals that breath with lungs and were named in 1758
    • List only those animals that lay eggs and breath with lungs
    • List alphabetically only those animals that were named in 1758