Android Functions


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  1. Write a guessing game where the user has to guess a secret number you will hard code as another data member (there is a challenge at the end to make this random). After every guess the program tells the user whether their number was too large or too small.

  2. Must include these methods
    a. fun checkGuess(guess: Int): Int
    i. check to see if the number is correct and return the result as an integer value

    b. fun updateUI(result: Int)
    i. this will perform all the tasks necessary to update the display once the result has been determined
    ii. use a switch statement inside of this method to determine what to display to the user based on the provided result.

Create an Android Studio Project

  1. Create a new Android Studio project
  2. Name the project "Guessing Game"
  3. Make sure that the target API level is below that of your testing environment.

Add Views to the App

  1. Open the app's activity_main.xml file.
  2. Change the parent viewgroup to a linear layout

Set the orientation attribute to vertical to best utilize the screen real estate

  1. Add TextViews as desired to communicate necessary information to the user
  2. Add an EditText view to get input from the user
  3. Add a Button so the user can submit their guess
  4. Add IDs to all the views that will need to be accessed in the code

Create a Listener for the Button

  1. Create a listener and event handler for the submit button in
  2. In the click event method, retreive the number guessed by the user

int guess = Integer.parseInt(editEntry.getText().toString());

Process the User's Guess

  1. Create the methods above to process the user's guess and show them the result
  2. Call the checkGuess method and pass it's return value into the updateUI method.

Use the following constant values to communicate the results between methods
static final int CORRECT = 0;
static final int LOW = 1;
static final int HIGH = 2;
static final int RESET = 3;


Send your completed app to your Project Manager.


Randomly generate a secret number.

use Random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE); // where MAX_VALUE < the highest number you want to generate
You'll need to import the kotlin.random.Random library for this to work Documentation located here

When the user has correctly guessed the number, allow them to reset and allow the user to try again.

Again, experiment with attributes of your textViews and other GUI components to improve the look of your app.