Android Notifications


This project will have you create a page of buttons to display different types of notifications when pressed.


Part 1 - Basic Notification

  1. Create a new empty activity
  2. Add a button called "Get Notification"
  3. Use context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) to get a handle on the NotificationManager
  4. Create a listener for the button.
  5. Check the Build.VERSION.SDK_INT if it is greater than or equal to Build.VERSION_CODES.O, build a channel using new NotificationChannel(channelId, name, importance)
  6. Add a description using channel.setDescription
  7. Register the channel using notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(channel)
  8. Create a NotificationCompat.Builderusing the Activity's context and the channel id you just used.
  9. Set the Priority, ContentTitle, ContentText, SmallIcon, Color, and Defaults
  10. Use the notificationManager.notify method with NOTIFICATION_ID_INSTANT and to execute the notification
  11. Compile and test the app to make sure everything works.

Part 2 - Importance

  1. Change the notification pritory to see the difference it makes, explore changes in both the notification builder and notification channel
  2. Build and test with each of these with various combinations

Part 3 - Content Interaction

  1. Create a new Fullscreen Activity
  2. Remove the bottom frame and its contents

Be sure to remove all references to these views in the FulscreenActivity java file as well

  1. In the onCreate method of the new activity, get the intent and pull a string extra from it. We will be sending that string extra to this activity from our notification
  2. Use the string you just got to set the text of the activity's mContentView

You'll have to change its data type from View to TextView before doing so

  1. Go back to your button's onclick listener and create an intent to launch your new activity and add a string extra to it.

Your string should let you know how the intent was launched in this case it could be "Noticiation Tapped" or "Content Intent"

  1. Instead of calling startActivity with this intent, we're going to wrap it with a PendingIntent object a. Call the static method PendingIntent.getActivity b. pass it your context, a request code of 0, the intent you created, and PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT

    Thte ONE_SHOT means the intent can only be used once, but since you have AutoCancel set to true, the notification will be destroyed once you execute the intent anyway

  2. In your notification builder, set the ContentIntent with your new PendingIntent

  3. Build and test your app to make sure it launches the new activity and displays your string

Part 4 - Action Buttons

  1. Create another PendingIntent with a different string extra.

The string extra in this intent must use the same key as the one for your other intent as your FullscreenActivity won't differentiate. Also be sure that this PendingIntent has a different Request Code than your other intent

  1. Add an Action to your notification builder. Pass it a drawable id for an icon, a title, and your pending intent
  2. Build and test your app to make sure it launches the new activity and displays your string.


In your testing, find bugs and small feature improvements that can improve the polish of your app.