
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Student organisation contact details in one place! :)


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Cheerio


First download and install NodeJS and NPM for your OS through http://nodejs.org/download/. Then install Cheerio using npm install cheerio.

You also need to clone this repo, using git clone https://github.com/dannydes/ksu-so-scrapper or download and extract from here.

Windows users with no clue of what NPM is, may get away with double clicking appsetup.bat in the root folder.


Open your CLI, navigate to the repo's directory and enter node ksu-so-scrapper.

Windows users can simply run appstart.bat in the repo's root directory.

Open spreadsheet

If you followed all instructions here, you should find the details in organisations.csv, under webroot. Feel free to open the file using your favorite spreadsheet application. :)

N.B.: In the rare case, you get all details for an organisation in one cell or some other odd placement of information, please make sure the following delimiters are set:

  • ,: used in between organisation details
  • ;: used in between organisations

Restore spreadsheet backup

In case, you mistakenly overwrite organisations.csv, open webroot, find organisations.csv.bak and rename it to organisations.csv. Ta da!!