
Welcome to the Readme for my repository for Frontend-Apps. You can find alle the information about the content inside this repository and how to transfer it to your own PC.

📋 Table of Contents

💡 Concept

Following on my bar chart I've created for Frontend-Data, I'm converting my code to fit a REACT App. After converting my old code, I was looking for a way to extend my code by adding another visualisation.

Since I wanted to make some form of geo visualisation in one of the previous subjects, I figured this was the right time to try it out. I grabbed a SVG of the world and added it to a new REACT component. Each continent is interactive and by clicking you get to see an overlay with the barchart. In the barchart you can see the highest values of the currencies in that specific continent.

Wereldkaart Bar Chart

⚙️ Process (Wiki)

You can find all the progression of my work documented in my Wiki.

📝 Wishlist

Since everything worked out pretty decent, there is not much I didn't get the change to try. I've created an interactive worldmap, which was my personal goal for the previous subjects. It's fair to say that I'm very excited for it to work as I wanted it to do.

🔧 Installation

If you're looking to use my code for yourself, you can clone this GitHub repository:

git clone

You then need to install all NPM packages:

npm install

Start the REACT App with the following command:

npm start

📄 License

I have used the MIT License for this repository.