
Storage software in rust

Primary LanguageRust


rustor provides a library and binary tools to create storage systems

Key Components

  1. ObjectStore -- the top level request handler. Manages data flow to fill reuests
  2. Object -- sort of a meta-class that has the data and its metadata
  3. ObjKey -- a unique identifier for an Object, including uuid, hash, and size
  4. KeyGen -- generates ObjKeys
  5. Placer -- decides how to break up the data for an Object and select available blocks from FreeList
  6. FreeList -- tracks available blocks
  7. Manifest -- a selection of blocks that store the data of an Object
  8. KeyStore -- stores and retrieves ObjKeys and their associated Manifest by uuid
  9. BlockStore -- interfaces with a BlockDevices to read and write data

Data Flows

Single Block Device, Contiguous Objects

PUT object

  1. ObjectStore receives PUT <object> request
  2. ObjectStore asks KeyGen to create ObjKey for object -- uuid, hash, and size
  3. ObjectStore asks FreeList to allocate space for the object
  4. FreeList provides Manifest to ObjectStore
  5. ObjectStore asks BlockStore to write object blocks according to Manifest
  6. BlockStore writes data to BlockDevice
  7. ObjectStore asks KeyStore to store ObjKey and Manifest
  8. ObjectStore returns uuid to requester

GET object

  1. ObjectStore receives GET <uuid> request
  2. ObjectStore asks KeyStore to retrieve ObjKey and Manifest
  3. ObjectStore asks BlockStore to retrieve object blocks according to Manifest
  4. BlockStore accesses BlockDevice to read data
  5. ObjectStore returns Object to requester

DELETE object

  1. ObjectStore receives DELETE <uuid> request
  2. ObjectStore asks KeyStore to retrieve ObjKey including Manifest
  3. ObjectStore asks FreeList to release blocks according to Manifest
  4. ObjectStore asks BlockStore to zero blocks according to Manifest
  5. Blockstore writes zeros to BlockDevice


[ ] Add free list B-tree

  • Transition Keystore to a database backing