

An example app with REST API POST /v1/shows/:id/comments. See /docs for more.

Getting Started

# go version 1.22.1 assumed
go mod download && go run main.go

curl -X POST localhost:8080/v1/shows/1/comments -d '{"user_id":2,"comment":"some comments"}'
# HTTP/1.1 201 Created
# Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
# Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:48:48 GMT
# Content-Length: 67

# {"result":{"user_id":2,"comment":"some commentsssssss","upvote":0}}%


  • 基於短評功能,設計一套資料結構和後端服務,用於管理和顯示短評 -> See /docs/
  • 基於上述設計,規劃數個 RESTful API 支援以下功能 -> See /docs/
    • 新增短評
    • 獲取特定影片的所有短評
    • 對短評進行檢舉
    • 管理員對短評進行審核和處理
  • 請挑選其中一個 API ,進行 Pseudo Code 設計,完成這個 API 的功能:
  • 任何想要提出的創意或建議
    1. Press . to open web editor
    2. In editor's search section, use regex (click .* button) then search by enhancement|gotcha


  • Should be some log masking mechanism in place to mask any PII (Personally Identifiable Information)