For full instructions on what we'd like you to do please visit our official developer test page.
- UI
- Exercise list
- iOS support
- Animations
- Integration
- Workout content integration
- Exercise list integration
- Exercise swapping integration
- Misc
- Figma mockup
- Match fonts
- Component backdrop shadows
- Figma mockup
- UI
- Animations
- Unified palatte/theme for styles
- Parameterized styles/effects
- Storybook
- Error boundaries
- Integration
- Exercise list integration
- Exercise swapping integration
- Misc
- Figma mockup
- Match fonts
- Component backdrop shadows
- Responsive design: Unify UX for devices other than
375px × 812px
- Proper SVG files location
- Component behavior tests
- Use .env to inject variables pertaining environment, e.g., backend URL, etc
- Figma mockup
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npx expo start
In the output, you'll find options to open the app in a
- development build
- Android emulator
- iOS simulator
- Expo Go, a limited sandbox for trying out app development with Expo
You can start developing by editing the files inside the app directory. This project uses file-based routing.
To learn more about developing your project with Expo, look at the following resources:
- Expo documentation: Learn fundamentals, or go into advanced topics with our guides.
- Learn Expo tutorial: Follow a step-by-step tutorial where you'll create a project that runs on Android, iOS, and the web.