Welcome to Hersee Massage, your destination for ultimate relaxation and well-being in Co. Wexford, Ireland.

Our website serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking professional massage therapy services. Through our carefully designed web pages, users can explore a wide range of massage treatments, including deep tissue massage, pregnancy massage, trigger point therapy, relaxation massage, and sports massage.

Each treatment is accompanied by detailed descriptions, ensuring users understand their benefits and can make informed choices. Additionally, our website provides transparent pricing information, allowing users to plan their sessions according to their budget.

With our convenient contact form, users can easily reach out to us, ask questions, and schedule appointments. Hersee Massage is dedicated to promoting the physical and mental well-being of our clients, and our website serves as a gateway to a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Experience the transformative power of massage therapy and let your worries melt away with Hersee Massage."

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  • Clear and intuitive navigation menu: The website features a user-friendly navigation menu located at the top of every page, allowing users to easily explore different sections of the website.

  • Home: The "Home" link takes users back to the homepage, providing a quick and convenient way to return to the main page.

  • About: The "About" link provides detailed information about Hersee Massage, including the background, mission, and values of the business. Users can learn more about the expertise and qualifications of the massage therapists.

  • Treatments: The "Treatments" link leads users to a dedicated page where they can explore various massage treatments offered by Hersee Massage. Each treatment is described in detail, helping users understand the specific benefits and choose the most suitable option for their needs.

  • Prices: The "Prices" link directs users to a page that displays transparent pricing information for the massage services. This feature allows users to plan and budget for their sessions in advance, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

  • Contact: The "Contact" link provides users with a convenient way to get in touch with Hersee Massage. By clicking on the link, users are directed to a contact form where they can fill in their details and send inquiries or schedule appointments.

  • Active page indicator: The active page is visually distinguished in the navigation menu, making it easy for users to identify their current location within the website.

  • Consistent navigation across pages: The navigation menu remains consistent across all pages of the website, ensuring a seamless browsing experience and allowing users to navigate effortlessly between different sections.

  • Responsive design: The navigation menu is designed to be responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures that users can access and navigate the website easily, regardless of whether they are using a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

Screenshot displaying the logo and navigation menu of the website


  • Navigation Menu: The main page, includes a navigation menu that remains consistent across all pages of the website. This allows users to easily navigate to other sections of the website and find the information they are looking for without having to go back to the page heading.

  • Contact Information: It display essential contact information, such as phone number and email address, making it convenient for users to reach out to Hersee Massage for inquiries or bookings.

  • Social Media Integration: The page include links to Hersee Massage's social media profiles, allowing users to connect and engage with the business on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. All links are fully clicable and working.

  • Address and Opening Times: It includes the address of Hersee Massage, conveniently providing users with the physical location of the business. Additionally, the opening times for each day of the week are listed, allowing users to easily plan their visit or schedule an appointment accordingly.

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Main Page

  • Eye-catching intro section: The Main page features a visually appealing intro section that immediately grabs the attention of users. It includes high-quality image, a welcoming message, and a prominent call-to-action.

  • Introduction to Hersee Massage: The page provides a concise and engaging introduction to Hersee Massage. This section highlights the key benefits and unique selling points of our massage services, enticing users to explore further.

  • Featured Treatments: It showcases a selection of featured treatments offered by Hersee Massage. This feature allows users to get a glimpse of the range of services available and encourages them to discover more on the Treatments page.

  • Testimonials: User testimonials or reviews are prominently displayed on the main page. These testimonials serve as social proof, building trust and credibility among visitors. They provide insights into the positive experiences of previous clients and highlight the effectiveness of your massage treatments.

  • Call-to-action buttons: The page includes strategically placed call-to-action buttons that prompt users to take a specific action, such as booking a session or learning more about the services. These buttons are designed to stand out and encourage user engagement.

  • About Section: It feature a brief description about Hersee Massage, providing additional information about the business's background, philosophy, or mission. This helps users develop a deeper understanding of your brand and values.

  • Responsive Design: The main page is designed to be responsive, ensuring that it looks great and functions well on different devices and screen sizes. This feature allows users to have a seamless browsing experience, whether they are accessing the website from a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

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About Page

  • Introduction of Tara Hersee: The about page provides an introduction to Tara Hersee, a highly qualified and experienced massage therapist with over 10 years of hands-on experience. It highlights her dedication to providing clients with the highest level of service and her professional yet warm approach.

  • Range of Expertise: The page showcases Tara's expertise in various massage techniques, including, deep tissue massage, sports massage, pregnancy massage, and lymphatic drainage. This demonstrates her diverse skill set and the ability to cater to different client needs.

  • Qualifications: The page lists Tara's qualifications. This highlights her commitment to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest industry practices.

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Treatments Page

  • Treatment description: The description emphasizes the holistic approach of Hersee Massage by addressing not only physical aspects but also energetic, emotional, and nutritional systems.

  • Flipping cards: Each treatment is presented in a visually appealing manner with a flipping card design, featuring a front image and a back section with the treatment's benefits.

  • Appointment requirements: It informs users about the appropriate dress and recommends arriving 10 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment for consultation and relaxation time.

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Prices Page

  • Prices and Duration table: A table is presented below the header, showing the different treatments, their corresponding prices, and durations.

  • Special discounts: The page also includes a section dedicated to special discounts. The discount section features three cards and each includes an icon, a title, and a description of the discount offer. It provides an engaging way to encourage potential customers to take advantage of special offers.

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Contacts Page

  • Background image and form The contacts.html page includes a section with a background image and a contact form.

  • Requirements The contact form requires the user to provide their full name, email address, and message.

  • Formspree form Upon submission, the form data is sent to an external URL for processing. The form is set to accept character set UTF-8 and submits data to FORMSPREE using the POST method.

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  • I verified the cross-browser compatibility of the page by testing it in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari to ensure it functions correctly on different browsers.

  • Using the toolbar in Chrome's developer tools, I ensured that the project is responsive, visually appealing, and fully functional across various standard screen sizes.

  • I reviewed the text content of all pages to ensure readability, comprehension, and compliance with accessibility guidelines.

  • The functionality of the contact form was tested, ensuring that all fields are required and preventing users from submitting blank entries.

  • The contact form is configured to send data to FORMSPREE for proper handling of form submissions.

  • To ensure a well-performing and user-friendly website, I have conducted thorough testing for links, navigatoins, page load times, image optimization and form validation.

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Front of Flipping Cards not working on Safari (iMac 27" - Big Screen).

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  • Description: After deploying the project, I observed that the front side of the flipping cards on the treatments.html page did not function correctly when accessing the website on Safari using an iMac with a 27" big screen. However, the flipping cards worked perfectly fine on other devices and browsers, including Safari on smaller screens and the same iMac.

  • Investigation: After conducting research, I discovered that the issue could be related to the backface-visibility property, which sometimes fails to work on large screen iMacs.

  • Solution: Applying the following CSS code at lines 878, 879, and 880 resolved the problem:

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  • Reference: I discovered a viable solution while conducting research on a forum where a fellow user encountered a similar issue. Fortunately, another forum member provided a helpful code snippet that effectively resolved the problem. You can find the forum solution by CLICKING HERE

  • Status: The flipping card issue has been resolved using the provided solution, ensuring compatibility with Safari on iMac 27" screens. The flipping cards now function properly on all supported devices and browsers.

Unfixed Bugs

  • Based on my extensive testing and thorough review of the website, I can confidently state that to the best of my knowledge, there are no unfixed bugs present.


During the development process, I meticulously tested the website to ensure its high quality and adherence to web standards.


  • I am pleased to state that the project successfully passed through the official W3C validator without encountering any errors.
  • To check test result CLICK HERE
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  • Additionally, I conducted a evaluation using the official Jigsaw validator, and once again, no errors were idenfied, affirming the website's adherence to best practices and standards.
  • To check test result CLICK HERE
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  • To ensure the accessibility and performance of each page, I employed the Chrome DevTools Lighthouse feature. This powerful tool allowed me to evaluate the website's accessibility on both desktop and mobile platforms comprehensively.
  • By utilizing the Chrome DevTools Lighthouse, I have taken proactive measures to ensure that the website meets accessibility standards, providing an inclusive experience for all users across various devices.
  • I ran the accessibility tests for every page, meticulously examining elements such as text readability, color contrast, keyboard navigation, and proper labeling of interactive elements. The results of these tests are presented below.


  • The site was deployed using GitHub Pages. The deployment steps are outlined below:

    1. In the GitHub repository for Hersee-Massage, navigate to the settings tab.

    2. In the setting menu, which can be found in the upper left corner, choose the Pages option.

    3. In the Build and deployment section, select the source option deploy from a branch.

    4. Under the branch selection, choose main and root as the branch to deploy from.

    5. Lastly, save the changes by clicking save, after a few minutes the page provided the link to the finished website.

This deployment process allowed for seamless hosting and accessibility of the website using GitHub Pages.

You can access the live website by following HERSEE MASSAGE



I would like to acknowledge the following websites as design references for my project, without directly copying any code from them, but rather using it as design references:

These websites provided valuable inspiration and ideas for the design elements of my project. Additionally, I gathered information about essential features for a massage therapy website from the last mentioned website.

I would also like to acknowledge that, during the development process, I made use of various online resources and conducted random Google searches to find solutions to specific coding challenges that I have encountered.

Furthermore, I utilized a snippet of code provided by FORMSPREE to enable successful submission of the contact form to their platform.

THANK YOU NOTES I would like to express my gratitude to the websites mentioned in for providing design inspiration and references during the development process.

Their insights and designs have greatly contributed to the overall quality and aesthetics of the website. I would also like to thank Pexels for providing the high-quality images used throughout the website.



I would like to give credit to the following images used in my project, all of which were collected from Pexels:

All images used are free to use.


Feel free to explore the website and provide feedback or suggestions for improvement.

I hope you and your users enjoy a seamless and relaxing browsing experience on Hersee Massage's website. Thank you for your trust and support!