
A Google API Client for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch in 2015

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION

Google APIs Swift Client

A lot of us probably use at least one of Google's public data APIs, and those of us using Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are directed to the open-source Google APIs Objective-C Client for implementation help.

It was good for what it was in 2011, but that was before Swift, modern Objective-C, CocoaPods, and even Automatic Reference Counting! Some things in life age well; that library is not one of them. And Google hasn't helped by basically ignoring their client library in these ways. They don't even support it in their new CocoaPods-based library distribution system! (Don't be fooled: "Google APIs for iOS" is just an aggregation pod for all the other "modern" libraries that Google supports with this distribution flow, obviously not including the aforementioned Data APIs Client)

That's why I decided I would try something new. Something that would actually utilize current technologies. Something that would be actually nice for devs to use.

I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I decided to build it myself.

This current version only contains the base model and fetcher classes and protocols, as well as an implementation of the Discovery API. More services to come! See Contributing below if you would like to help.

Please feel free to help move this project along in any way you see fit, whether it be filing issues or submitting pull requests. Even starring helps me know this project is worth working on.


  pod 'GoogleAPISwiftClient', '~> 0.1.0'

Then import:

  import GoogleAPIs


The Google APIs use one of two methods for authentication: an API Key or OAuth 2.0.

Both the API key and OAuth access token are set directly in the GoogleService protocol conformant. This means you can use any means necessary to get the OAuth token information and keep it up to date. You can use GTM-OAuth2, the new Google Sign-in SDK, or any other OAuth 2 library to get the job done.

Basic Fetcher Usage

The bulk of the client library at this point is the fetcher class which has one simple, yet powerful method:

performRequest(method: Alamofire.Method = .GET, serviceName: String, apiVersion: String, endpoint: String, queryParams: [String: String], completionHandler: (JSON: String?, error: NSError?) -> ())

Yes, this library uses Alamofire under the hood.


A few implementation details to note for new services to be implemented:

  • All services must conform to the GoogleService protocol
  • All objects (or "schemas" if you're working with the Discovery API for help here) must conform to the GoogleObject protocol, which conforms to ObjectMapper's Mappable protocol
  • All object lists (e.g. a Blog List or a Videos List) are their own distinct objects and must conform to the GoogleObjectList protocol, which also conforms to Mappable

This will be easier to understand once the first service is successfully implemented.


Apache License, Version 2.0

See LICENSE file for details.