Middleman Logo #Middleman 4 / Materialize CSS Boilerplate

Oh It's so f@!king nice.

####What does it do? This boilerplate is set up to increase my workflow. Hopefully, this can also help you on your way. Follow the deployment instructions below to deploy to heroku. There is also a partial/template for meta info on most social networks.

####Technologies Used

  • Ruby
  • Middleman v4
  • ERB
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • jQuery
  • Font Awesome
  • Minify HTML gem
  • GA gem
  • MaterializeCSS Sass

####Getting Started Clone the repo using the GUI or terminal. To do so in terminal, use the following:

git clone https://github.com/dannyvassallo/middleman-materialize.git
cd middleman-materialize

From the "middleman-materialize" directory, install the gems by running the following:

bundle install

To fire up the server while in the "middleman-materialize" directory use this command:

middleman s

If you are having issues with livereload not working fire up the server using:

middleman s --force-polling --verbose

To kill the server use "ctrl+c"

If you find yourself curious as to what directory you are in use the following in terminal:


It should turn up "middleman-materialize"

####Analytics Setup

Add this setup with your id to the config.rb file.


activate :google_analytics do |ga|
  # Property ID (default = nil)
  ga.tracking_id = 'UA-XXXXXXX-X'

  # Removing the last octet of the IP address (default = false)
  ga.anonymize_ip = false

  # Tracking across a domain and its subdomains (default = nil)
  ga.domain_name = 'example.com'

  # Tracking across multiple domains and subdomains (default = false)
  ga.allow_linker = false

  # Tracking Code Debugger (default = false)
  ga.debug = false

  # Tracking in development environment (default = true)
  ga.development = true

  # Compress the JavaScript code (default = false)
  ga.minify = false

  # Output style - :html includes <script> tag (default = :html)
  ga.output = :js

####Deploy This step requires a heroku account

Create an app (Run Once)

heroku create <<MYAPP>>

Initial Setup (Run Once)

heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git

Deploying (Every deploy)

git push heroku master

####Middleman Helper Methods

Create an external link:

<%= link_to 'My Site', 'http://mysite.com' %>

Create an internal link:

<%= link_to 'About', '/about.html' %>

Link / Image tag for image in images folder:

<% link_to 'http://mysite.com' do %>
  <%= image_tag 'mylogo.png' %>
<% end %>

Create a form (example):

<% form_tag '/destroy', :class => 'destroy-form', :method => 'delete' do %>
  <% field_set_tag do %>
      <%= label_tag :username, :class => 'first' %>
      <%= text_field_tag :username, :value => params[:username] %>
      <%= label_tag :password, :class => 'first' %>
      <%= password_field_tag :password, :value => params[:password] %>
      <%= label_tag :strategy %>
      <%= select_tag :strategy, :options => ['delete', 'destroy'],
          :selected => 'delete' %>
      <%= check_box_tag :confirm_delete %>
  <% end %>
  <% field_set_tag(:class => 'buttons') do %>
    <%= submit_tag "Remove" %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Text helpers for dummy info:


<%= lorem.sentences 5 %>


lorem.sentence      # returns a single sentence
lorem.words 5       # returns 5 individual words
lorem.paragraphs 10 # returns 10 paragraphs
lorem.date          # accepts a strftime format argument

Placeholder Images:


<%= lorem.image('300x400') %>


  #=> http://placehold.it/300x400
lorem.image('300x400', :background_color => '333', :color => 'fff')
  #=> http://placehold.it/300x400/333/fff
lorem.image('300x400', :random_color => true)
  #=> http://placehold.it/300x400/f47av7/9fbc34d
lorem.image('300x400', :text => 'blah')
  #=> http://placehold.it/300x400&text=blah