The one-stop SDK for RGB-peripherals

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


This project aims to unify the use of various RGB-devices.
It is currently under heavy development and will have breaking changes in the future! Right now a lot of devices aren't working as expected and there are bugs/unfinished features. Please think about that when you consider using the library in this early stage.

If you want to help with layouting/testing devices or if you need support using the library feel free to join the RGB.NET discord-channel.

For a quick-start-guide you can check out this issue.

Adding prerelease packages using NuGet

This is the easiest and therefore preferred way to include RGB.NET in your project right now.

Since there aren't stable packages on nuget right now you need to use the CI-build.
You can get them from the RGB.NET MyGet gallery by adding the feed as a package source to your Visual Studio.
You need to check "Include prerelease" to see the package in Visual Studio.