
Discord Voice Bot. Speak directly to GPT, scrape websites, get current weather, and more.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Voice Bot

Speak directly to GPT, search websites, get current weather, and more.
use push to talk.
GitHub: https://github.com/danomation
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Wintermute310

Install Notes (ubuntu 22.04/debian):

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade  
sudo apt install ffmpeg python3-pyaudio libportaudio2
pip install -r requirements.txt     
cd helper-bot    
sudo apt install nodejs    
sudo apt install npm    
npm install discord.js    
npm install @discordjs/voice    
edit the index.js and bot.py with your own api keys, tokens, and ids  

The node.js requirement will be deprecated in future releases.
Make 2 bots, add one for your helper-bot, and one for your bot.py bot
Use this to help you create two bots using the discord developer portal
sign up for openai, elevenlabs openweathermap and google search apis


nohup python3 bot.py &    
cd helper-bot    
nohup npm start &    

Demo (updated - Speedup):



subclass the classes for the speaking event to remove node.js requirement
Separate py files a bit to aid readability