
One Hour One Life Server in one click

Primary LanguagePowerShell


One Hour One Life Server in one click


Create an ubuntu 22.04 instance and run this command:

cd /home && mkdir ohol && cd ohol && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danomation/onehouroneclick/main/pullAndBuildTestSystem.sh && sudo bash pullAndBuildTestSystem.sh

To automatically start the server on reboot type this:

line="@reboot cd /home/ohol/OneLife/server/ && ./OneLifeServer"
(crontab -u $(whoami) -l; echo "$line" ) | crontab -u $(whoami) -

Update to latest:

cd /home/ohol/ && sudo rm pullAndBuildtestSystem.sh && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danomation/onehouroneclick/main/pullAndBuildTestSystem.sh && sudo bash pullAndBuildTestSystem.sh

Known issues:

Windows (ohol.ps1):

Linux (pullAndBuildtestSystem.sh):

  • None