
Do notation in Python.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple monad do notation implementation with nice syntax using generators. Also includes sample monads such as Maybe and List.

Sample code:

from monad_do import *

def test_list(a, b):
    x = yield [a * 10, a] # Native lists are coerced into monad Lists here.
    y = yield [b * 100, b * 10, b]
    return [x + y]

print(test_list(3, 4)) # List([430, 70, 34, 403, 43, 7])

Monad instances derive from the Monad class and provide the methods pure(static) and bind. The do decorators binds the values yielded from a generator to its later computation. In a sense, yield works like <- in Haskell.

Note that generators are uncopyable, so if some code needs to be run more than once (such as the case for the List monad), the generator is run from the beginning once again, with the values sent into it recorded to eliminate duplicate computation. This requires that the generators decorated by do to be more or less "pure".

The do decorator is implemented inside monad_do.do_cached. There is also a simpler implementation in monad_do.do_simple which sketches the basic idea, but runs the generator from the beginning for each yield.

The implementation is primarily inspired by these following materials:

Type hints are not incorporated. For now, the weak support for function types (on arguments) makes type hinting more of a burden then something helpful.