
being a multi-speaker video-to-speech network

Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains code for video-to-speech conversion. For more information, please see our EUSIPCO 2021 paper (available on arXiv):

Dan Oneață, Adriana Stan, Horia Cucu. Speaker disentanglement in video-to-speech conversion. EUSIPCO, 2021.

Qualitative samples are available here.


Installation steps:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate xts
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: Depending on your GPU, you may need to specify different versions for cudatoolkit and Pytorch in the environment.yml configuration file.

Clone the Tacotron2 repository:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/tacotron2.git


We describe how the code and data are organized in the repository.

Code. The code is organized as follows:

  • train.py is the main script, which trains video-to-speech models.
  • train_dispel.py and train_revgrad.py are used to train models that dispel the speaker identity from the visual features.
  • train_asr_clf.py and train_speaker_clf.py train linear probes in the visual feature space.
  • hparams.py contain hyper-parameter configurations.
  • audio.py contains audio-processing functionality, e.g. extracting Mel spectrograms.
  • models/ contain video-to-speech architectures (video decoders and audio decoders).
  • src/ contains data structures that wrap datasets.
  • evaluate/ implement the evaluation metrics (PESQ, MCD, STOI, WER).
  • scripts/ contain mostly scripts to run experiments or process data.
  • data/ is where the datasets are stored (i.e., videos, audio, face landmarks, speaker embeddings).

Data. The data folder contains a folder for each audio-visual dataset, which in turn contains sub-folders for the different modalities, the most important being audio, face landmarks, file-lists, speaker embeddings, video. An example directory structure for the GRID dataset is the following:

└── grid
    ├── audio-from-video
    ├── face-landmarks
    ├── filelists
    ├── speaker-embeddings
    └── video

The path names are set by the PathLoader from src/dataset.py and they can vary from dataset to dataset.

Getting started

We provide a data bundle (video, audio, face landmarks, speaker embeddings) for a speaker in GRID (the speaker s1). You can download the data from here and extract it locally in the folder containing the code:

wget "https://sharing.speed.pub.ro/owncloud/index.php/s/U1xmWRLc985A12m/download" -O grid-s1.zip
unzip grid-s1.zip

To train our baseline model just run the following command:

python train.py --hparams magnus -d grid --filelist k-s01 -v

Preparing a new dataset

  • Set paths to video, for example in data/$DATASET/video
  • Extract middle frame of each video using scripts/extract_middle_frame.py
  • Extract face landmarks from the middle frame using scripts/detect_face_landmarks_folder.py
  • Extract speaker embeddings using scripts/extract_speaker_embeddings

Synthesizing speech

  1. video to mel-spectrogram
python predict.py -m magnus --model-path output/models/grid_multi-speaker_magnus.pth -d grid --filelist multi-speaker -v -o output/predictions/grid-multi-test-magnus.npz
  1. mel-spectrogram to WAV:
# ~/work/dc-tts-xts
# source venv/bin/activate
python synthesize_spectro.py ~/work/xts/output/predictions/grid-multi-test-magnus.npz

Evaluating intelligibility with an ASR

To evaluate the intelligibility of the synthesized speech, we used an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system. The ASR is based on Kaldi and trained on the TED-LIUM dataset. For evaluation, we constrained the language model to GRID's vocabulary by using a finite state grammar constructed from the sentences in GRID.

The finite state grammar used to constrain the language model
<command> = bin | lay | place | set;
<color> = blue | green | red | white;
<preposition> = at | by | in | with;
<letter> = a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | x | y | z;
<digit> = zero | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine;
<adverb> = again | now | please | soon;
public <utterance> = <command> <color> <preoposition> <letter> <digit> <adverb>;

To replicate our results, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install Kaldi
  2. Download our models and scripts and extract them locally:
unzip xts-asr.zip
  1. Set up the path to Kaldi in xts-asr/path.sh; for example:
export KALDI_ROOT=/home/doneata/src/kaldi
  1. Link to the steps and utils folders from Kaldi in xts-asr; for example:
ln -s /home/doneata/src/kaldi/egs/wsj/s5/steps steps
ln -s /home/doneata/src/kaldi/egs/wsj/s5/utils utils
  1. Run an evaluation by using the xts-asr/run.sh script:
bash run.sh --dset tiny
  1. To define a new dataset, you will need to prepare the files wav.scp, text, utt2spk and spk2utt. For an example see the files in xts-asr/data/grid/tiny. For more information, please consult the Kaldi documentation.