
Arduino-based brewery control

Primary LanguageC++


Arduino-based beer brewing automation





  • CLK -> Pin 7
  • DIN -> Pin 8
  • DC -> Pin 10
  • RST -> Pin 12
  • CE -> Pin 11


  • On/Off/Cancel -> Pin 3
  • Right arrow -> Pin 4
  • Up -> Pin 5
  • Down -> Pin 6
  • Set -> Pin 2


  • Temperature sensor -> Pin 9
  • Relay -> Pin 13


The Arduino IDE is great for beginners. That said, as soon as you try to do anything that remotely resembles a production-grade application, it goes from useful to painful very quickly - even things like breaking the application into multiple files can be a big pain.
To try to remediate that, I'm using Arduino-Makefile here. It's not perfect - the structure still needs to be very 'arduinesque' and isn't very flexible, but it's MUCH better than writing everything in one massive file.


The Arduino IDE needs to be installed. The following libraries need to be installed via the library manager (Sketch > Include Library > Manage libraries)

  • PCD8544
  • OneWire
  • Bounce2
  • PID
  • PID AutoTune
  • DallasTemperature
  • TimerOne

You'll also need to install avr-gcc, binutils, avr-libc, avrdude and pySerial. For OSX, run the following commands:

  $ brew tap osx-cross/avr
  $ brew install avr-libc
  $ brew install avrdude
  $ brew install python
  $ pip install pyserial


Change the contents of the PROJECT_DIR, ARDMK_DIR, ARDUINO_DIR, ARDUINO_LIB_PATH, AVR_TOOLS_DIR and AVRDUDE to whatever you're using in your system (this is extra important if you're not using OSX - less chances of paths being the same).
If you're not using an Arduino Pro Mini, make sure you change the contents of the BORD_TAG and BOARD_SUB variables, too.


After installing the dependencies (previous sections), run the following commands

  $ cd /path/to/code
  $ make
  $ make upload

make upload requires your board to be plugged into your computer.