Rusty OAuth

This is a mock OAuth server.

We provide an access token with a specific format as an url parameter. This token will be parsed and data from the token extracted.

For example:

curl -v http://localhost:6767/oauth2/tokeninfo\?access_token\=token-uid-realm1-scope1-scope2

Will return:


Building the Docker image

The first time you create the docker image, you need to run

make build-base-image

The base image will add the dependencies to the image and compile them, so that building the final version of the image will only take a few seconds. Note that as soon we the dependencies are changed, the base image should be rebuilt.

Then run:


To build the image.


wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost:6767/oauth2/tokeninfo\?access_token\=token-uid-emp-scope1-scope2

Running 30s test @ http://localhost:6767/oauth2/tokeninfo?access_token=token-uid-emp-scope1-scope2
  12 threads and 400 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   702.37us    1.38ms 126.03ms   97.19%
    Req/Sec     3.54k     2.24k    7.51k    56.83%
  211311 requests in 30.09s, 37.48MB read
  Socket errors: connect 157, read 316, write 0, timeout 0
Requests/sec:   7021.87
Transfer/sec:      1.25MB

Docker Machine with Virtual Box

VBoxManage controlvm "default" natpf1 "tcp-port6767,tcp,,6767,,6767"