
A Python wrapper around Clustal Omega (http://www.clustal.org/omega/)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This is just a simple Python wrapper around Clustal Omega (http://www.clustal.org/omega/), used internally at Benchling, then modified for easier building by Cyrus Biotechnology.

Support for OSX requires the libomp library, and automake from brew. You may install it via:

``` brew install libomp automake



from clustalo import clustalo
input = {
    'seq1': 'AAATCGGAAA',
    'seq2': 'CGGA'
aligned = clustalo(input)
# aligned is a dict of aligned sequences:
#   seq1: AAATCGGAAA
#   seq2: ----CGGA--

At the moment, input sequences are assumed to not be aligned (i.e. there is no dealign option). See clustalo.clustalo.__doc__ or file clustaslo/clustalo.c for documentation.