
A collection of personal projects

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of personal projects

Striped Smith-Waterman implementation in Rust with python bindings -- dpf-ssw-aligner-rs

This project was my first look into rust, how rust interacts with pyo3, and with SIMD programming.

Rust Library

Python Library

I was especially impressed with the seamless integration between rust and python via pyo3, especially after many years of fighting with pybind11.

MRC/MRCS file handling in a simple and easy package - dpf-mrcfile

MRC is the file format that store the voxel-based data of electron microscopy. MRCS is the same file format as for MRC files, but instead of holding voxel based data, it holds 2d images stacked along a matrix's Z-axis.

This project is a very simple library built to make mrc file modifications, creation, and interpretation, of MRC/MRCS files as easy and simple as possible.

Python Library