Max-mind has changed their terms of service since I first published this script (over two years ago). THIS SCRIPT WILL NO LONGER WORK UNLESS YOU PURCHASE A MAX-MIND SUBSCRIPTION. Anyway, there are free alternatives available, checkout the Telize version (I dropped it in my public Github account).
A JavaScript mash-up I created using MaxMind IP Geolocation and Google Maps to deliver automatic driving directions and maps from the visitor's approximate location to a destination of your choosing.
- A Google Maps API key.
- Agreement to the MaxMind Terms of Service.
- Upload demo.html to your webserver.
- Replace the API key Portion in between with your own Google Maps API key.
- Replace the destination address in between with your destination.
- Save your changes and that's it, you're done.
See available MaxMind params at and all things Google Maps at This script was originally designed using Google Maps v2, it can be adapted to work with v3 with little or no customization. A similar API exists for most driving direction services, such as Bing Maps, OpenStreetMaps, MapQuest, and many many others.
I built this out during the construction of an auto-body dealership client's website several years ago.