Simplified Stackoverflow API

This is the REST API for a simplified version of Stackoverflow.

Technologies Used:

  • Node.js
  • MongoDB

Base URL:

API Documentation:


POST /user/signup

Creates a new user

Request body:

  • displayName (string)
  • email (string)
  • password (string)
POST /user/auth

Authenticates a user

Request body:

  • email (string)
  • password (string)
POST /question

Post a new question

Request body:

  • title (string)
  • body (string)

Required headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer jwt
GET /question

Returns a list of all questions

GET /question/{id}

Returns a specific question

Path parameters:

  • id (string): The question ID
PUT /question/{id}/upvote

Upvote a question

Required headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer jwt

Path parameters:

  • id (string): The question ID
PUT /question/{id}/downvote

Downvote a question

Required headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer jwt

Path parameters:

  • id (string): The question ID
POST /question/{id}/answer

Posts an answer to a question

Path parameters:

  • id (string): The question ID

Required headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer jwt
GET /question/{id}/answer

Returns all answers for a specific question

Path parameters:

  • id (string): The question ID
GET /search/user

Search for users

Query parameters:

  • query (string): The keyword to search
GET /search/answer

Search for answers

Query parameters:

  • query (string): The keyword to search
GET /search/question

Search for questions

Query parameters:

  • query (string): The keyword to search