
A simple tile based 2D platformer in C99

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Knighty is a simple tile based platform game written in C99 using SDL2. The tilemaps and animated tileset are created using Tiled.



The basic idea behind this project was to write the least amount of code that does the absolute minimal thing to get a simple game up and running, not bothering with writing an engine first or design an abstraction of an abstraction of what any platformer game would look like (OOP).


In order to compile the game needs SDL2, stb_image and json.h. The paths for these libraries are defined in premake5.lua.


  • [Left arrow] - Move left
  • [Right arrow] - Move right
  • - Jump
  • [Z] - Open Chest
  • [Escape] - Close the game
  • [F5] - Reload the current level



The art was drawn by myself and is actually my ever first attempt to draw pixel art. I decided to use 8x8 pixels because of my garbage drawing skills 16x16 or even 32x32 would result in much more detailed tiles.