
VS Code samples for Pluralsight course on Code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


VS Code samples for Pluralsight course on Code

For most samples you will need these global npm packages to be installed.

npm install grunt-cli gulp bower typescript babel -g

asp play

ASP.NET 5 sample application. Created from the asp.net generator

First make sure you install ASP.NET 5 and DNX


Angular 2 sample application.

Run a static server in the root

cd angular2fiveminutes

code play

JavaScript (ES5) sample application. Created from the Hot Towel generator.

Get all code

cd codeplay
npm install
bower install

To run it

gulp serve-dev

es6 play

JavaScript (ES6) sample application.

Get all code

cd es6play
npm install
bower install

To run it

gulp serve-dev


Grunt file sample application.

Get all code

cd gruntproject
npm install

To run it

grunt grunt-hint

ts play

TypeScript sample application.

Get all code

cd tsplay
npm install
bower install

To run it

gulp serve-dev