Ironsworn Obsidian Template

Welcome to the Ironlands! Check out the main site for Ironsworn by Shawn Tomkin for addtitional resources and game materials. This package is a bundle of community creations to hopefuly make a flexible and fun workspace to play out adventures.

The majority of the work here was done by others. I am but a humble curator. The included oracle file is modified from the work of grimborg. The Ironsworn move and asset files are converted from the work done by rsek for compatiablity with Obsidian. I wrote the included css snippet to give the journal a more conversational feel. Not everyone role plays solo ttrpgs, but I do. Enable them if you wish.

This package also includes a handfull of Obsidian community plugins to assist you while playing Ironsworn. Use at your own risk. I have provided links to all resources used below if you prefer the hands on approach.

App and plugin links

To all the folks who make this stuff work, BIG HUGS!


Obsidian Leaflet

Obsidian Inline Scripts

Contextual Topography

Alternative to Obsidian Sync

Obsidian Git

the easy road

Do the stuff, unless you just don't feel like it. I have those days too.

  1. Put code in a local folder.
  2. You need Obsidian. Install it.
  3. Use Obsidan to open local folder as vault.
  4. Enable plugins at your own risk. Scary...
  5. Make a new epic vow and HAVE FUN!

