PagerDuty integration for Hubot
In your hubot repository, run:
npm install hubot-pager-me --save
Then add hubot-pager-me to your external-scripts.json
pager me
requires a bit of configuration to get everything working:
- HUBOT_PAGERDUTY_SUBDOMAIN - Your account subdomain
- HUBOT_PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_API_KEY - Service API Key from a 'General API Service'
- HUBOT_PAGERDUTY_SCHEDULE_ID - The ID of the On-Call schedule used by
who's on call
andpager me <minutes>
Using a webhook requires a bit more configuration:
- HUBOT_PAGERDUTY_ENDPOINT - Pagerduty Webhook listener e.g /hook
- HUBOT_PAGERDUTY_ROOM - Room in which you want the pagerduty webhook notifications to appear
To setup the webhooks and get the alerts in your chatrooms, you need to add the endpoint you define here (e.g /hooks) in the service settings of your Pagerduty accounts. You also need to define the room in which you want them to appear. (Unless you want to spam all the rooms with alerts, but we don't believe that should be the default behavior :)
Check up coming schedule, and schedule shift overrides on it:
technicalpickles> hubot pager schedule
hubot> * 2014-06-24T09:06:45-07:00 - 2014-06-25T03:00:00-07:00 technicalpickles
* 2014-06-25T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-26T03:00:00-07:00 jnewland
* 2014-06-26T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-27T03:00:00-07:00 technicalpickles
* 2014-06-27T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-28T03:00:00-07:00 jnewland
* 2014-06-28T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-29T03:00:00-07:00 technicalpickles
technicalpickles> hubot pager override 2014-06-25T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-26T03:00:00-07:00 chrislundquist
hubot> Override setup! chrislundquist has the pager from 2014-06-25T06:00:00-04:00 until 2014-06-26T06:00:00-04:00
technicalpickles> hubot pager schedule
hubot> * 2014-06-24T09:06:45-07:00 - 2014-06-25T03:00:00-07:00 technicalpickles
* 2014-06-25T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-26T03:00:00-07:00 chrislundquist
* 2014-06-26T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-27T03:00:00-07:00 technicalpickles
* 2014-06-27T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-28T03:00:00-07:00 jnewland
* 2014-06-28T03:00:00-07:00 - 2014-06-29T03:00:00-07:00 technicalpickles