Final group project for Database Management (3330)
Project Description: Madison Apartments is based in CokeVille, Indiana. In the three years since its creation, Madison Apartment’s Manager (you) has been tracking most of the information about the apartment complex in an Excel workbook. As the apartment complex grows, the need to implement more advanced business practices is heightened. The Excel workbook has been working fine; however, it lacks away for you tosufficiently organize large amounts of data and run reports about your apartment complex. Being a forward-thinking business manager, you want to establish a relational database to track and run reports about various components of your apartment complex (and potentially use the database to support a future web application). For example, you are wanting to generate email lists, find which tenants are in which building, find which apartments are not at max capacity, track which tenants have been assigned a resident assistant, and a myriad of other tasks that are currently not efficient. In order to centralize all your data in an efficient and adaptable manner, you are on a quest to design a relational database structure to store information for easy tracking and processing. Luckily, you have chosen two other project group members to help you in this endeavor.