
Automator Workflow (OS X 10.5) to add EXIF tags to scanned film images.

Copyright ©2009-2010 Dan Rubin. Do not distribute without explicit permission. This notice must remain intact on all copies of this file.

email: dan@superfluousbanter.org
web: http://superfluousbanter.org

This script requires Phil Harvey's excellent exiftool (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) — download and
install it before running this script.

The Automator workflow currently filters based on file extension (see "Filter Finder Items" in the workflow), and is set to only
allow files ending in ".tif" to be processed. You may either change this filter or remove it entirely, but do both at your own risk.

UPDATED: 2009-04-30

2009-04-30 - 0.2 - Added NOTES section to explain the file extension filtering occurring in the Automator workflow. Also added a general disclaimer.
2009-02-07 - 0.1 - Initial release.

Basic customization of this script is simply a matter of knowing what cameras you have, and deciding if they belong in an
existing category or require a new one, then making a few small tweaks to the script below.

To add a make, model, or film speed, just extend the existing lists, following the conventions in the default lists.

To create a new category (e.g. for medium format cameras), duplicate existing categories under Make, Model, and Film, 
making sure to also add your new "Make" category variable to the myManufacturers list. You will also have to duplicate and 
customize lines within each IF statement in the SCRIPT area, under EXIF:Model and EXIF:ISO.

Adding more EXIF data types is also possible, using the same approach. If you're willing to take a stab at it, make sure
you check out Phil Harvey's list of EXIF Tags first: http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/EXIF.html

If you extend this script, I'd love to hear about it - drop me a line at the email address above and tell me about the
improvements you've made; they may even make it into the official script one day.

This should go without saying, however: By using this workflow you accept all risk associated with it. I'm not responsible
for anything that happens as a result of you using this script/workflow, including but not limited to data loss, hardware
damage, or the polar ice caps melting. You have been warned...

I've put personal time into creating and testing this script in order to make it presentable (not to mention
maintaining it in the future). If you find it useful, please send a small token of your appreciation via PayPal to the
email address above. Your karma will thank you.
