
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Dotfiles

A place to hold all of my dotfiles for when I start on a new computer or want to see my defaults.

Automating Build

In order to install the dotfiles into your home directory, a Python script is supplied. It will create symlinks for each relevant dot files and also create the directories it needs for nested config items. You can do this by running:

python build.py

Configuring Vim

My .vimrc uses vim-plug plugins. You will need to install vim-plug and run the installer to have Vim work as expected:

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
vim +PlugInstall

Additional Dependencies

I have direnv as part of my local workstation. You should install direnv or remove the declaration in the .bashrc to avoid seeing warnings.

I also have fzf and the silver searcher setup to make search super fast and more fuzzy in the filesystem.

I also have a fun Golang gopher who says Ernest Hemmingway quotes. You can get it from https://github.com/dansackett/gophersay.