
a Boilerplate for Threejs and Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Three.js and Typescript Boilerplate


To get started with this Three.js and Typescript boilerplate, you'll need to have Yarn installed on your system. If you don't have Yarn installed yet, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Yarn website.
  2. Choose the installation method that is appropriate for your operating system.
  3. Follow the provided instructions to complete the installation.

Installing Packages

Once you have Yarn installed, you can proceed with installing the necessary packages for this boilerplate. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project's root directory. Then run the following command:

This command will read the package.json file and install all the required dependencies for the project.

Running the Development Server

To start the development server, use the following command:

This command will start the development server and compile your TypeScript code into JavaScript, enabling you to view and interact with your Three.js application in a local development environment.

Make sure to keep the terminal or command prompt open while you're working on your project. You can access your application by opening a web browser and visiting the provided URL, usually http://localhost:8080 or another port specified in the configuration.

That's it! You're now ready to start building your Three.js application using this TypeScript boilerplate.

Happy coding!