Spring Platform Stats
Website to upload platform data for statistical analysis to. Used by games running on the SpringRTS engine (https://springrts.com/).
Runs on Django / Python (https://www.djangoproject.com/) and the Django REST Framework (http://www.django-rest-framework.org/).
Development is done using Django 1.11 and Python 2.7. It may or may not run with other versions. Latest source code can be found on Github.
This software is licensed as GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later, see file LICENSE.
The live site can be found at not yet released. A test installation is at http://stats.replays.springrts.com/ . Associated forum thread on the SpringRTS developers forum: https://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=36294
See requirements.txt.
git clone https://github.com/dansan/springrts-platform-stats.git
mkdir springrts-platform-stats/logs
$ virtualenv sps
$ . sps/bin/activate
(sps) $ pip install -U -r springrts-platform-stats/requirements.txt
(sps) $ ./manage.py migrate
(sps) $ ./manage.py createsuperuser
(sps) $ sps/bin/python sps/bin/gunicorn --log-syslog --capture-output --reload --timeout 60 --name sps --bind springrts_platform_stats.wsgi
- Login into the Django admin page with the superuser account.
- Create a group "machine-creators" and give it permissions to api|machine|Can add machine and `api|machine|Can change
machine`. * To allow users to post to API, add them to that group.
Command line example
curl -u username:s3cr3t -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"accountId": 12345, "cpuName": "Intel i8", "osFamily": "Windows", "platformData": {"ram": 1024, "glslVersion": "4.50 NVIDIA"}}' \
# returns a JSON object
Python Client API
import coreapi
client = coreapi.Client(auth=('user', 'password'))
schema = client.get('https://stats.replays.springrts.com/')
action = ['machine', 'create']
params = {
'accountId': 12345,
'cpuName': 'Intel i7-7700K CPU @ 4.0GHz',
'osFamily': 'Linux',
'platformData': {
'ram': 1024,
'glslVersion': '4.50 NVIDIA',
'glSupport24bitDepthBuffer': True,
'gpu': 'GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2',
'new1': 'stuff1',
'new2': 'stuff2',
result = client.action(schema, action, params=params)
# result is an OrderedDict
JavaScript Client API
<script src="http://stats.replays.springrts.com/static/rest_framework/js/coreapi-0.1.0.js"></script>
<script src="http://stats.replays.springrts.com/docs/schema.js"></script>
var coreapi = window.coreapi // Loaded by `coreapi.js`
var schema = window.schema // Loaded by `schema.js`
// Authentication
var auth = coreapi.auth.BasicAuthentication({
username: '<username>',
password: '<password>'
// Initialize a client
var client = new coreapi.Client({auth: auth})
// Interact with the API endpoint
var action = ["machine", "create"]
var params = {
accountId: ...,
cpuName: ...,
osFamily: ...,
platformData: ...,
client.action(schema, action, params).then(function(result) {
// Return value is in 'result'
List of currently detected keys, when POSTing to the API:
All other keys are stored in a generic key/value pair way, but the following ones have their separate database tables:
Get this from OS/spring engine somehow? (See BA/Evo gadget):
- cpuName: str
- cpuCores: str
- resolution_x: int
- resolution_y: int
- color_depth: int
- refresh_rate: int
- windowed: bool
Lua Engine table:
- buildFlags: str
- version: str
- versionFull: str
- versionPatchSet: str
- wordSize: str
Lua Platform table:
- glRenderer: str
- glVendor: str
- glVersion: str
- glVersionShort: str
- glewVersion: str
- glslVersion: str
- glslVersionShort: str
- glSupportNonPowerOfTwoTex: bool
- glSupportTextureQueryLOD: bool
- glSupport24bitDepthBuffer: bool
- glSupportRestartPrimitive: bool
- glSupportClipSpaceControl: bool
- glSupportFragDepthLayout: bool
- --
- gpu: str
- gpuMemorySize: int
- gpuVendor: str
- --
- osFamily: str
- osName: str
- --
- sdlVersionCompiledMajor: int
- sdlVersionCompiledMinor: int
- sdlVersionCompiledPatch: int
- sdlVersionLinkedMajor: int
- sdlVersionLinkedMinor: int
- sdlVersionLinkedPatch: int