
Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application (http://www.passwordstore.org/).

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release Swift 3.1 Gitter Build Status

Pass is an iOS client compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application. It is a password manager using GPG for encryption and Git for version control.

Pass for iOS is under TestFlight external testing. Drop an email to developer@passforios.mssun.me for testing. Thank you.


  • Try to be compatible with the Password Store command line tool
  • Support to view, copy, add, edit password entries
  • Encrypt and decrypt password entries by PGP keys
  • Synchronize with your password Git repository
  • User-friendly interface: search, long press to copy, copy and open link, etc.
  • Support one-time password (OTP) tokens (QR code and otpauth URI)
  • Written in Swift
  • No need to jailbreak your devices
  • Get from App Store (stay tuned)



  1. Install libtool, automake, cmake, carthage, and cocoapods: brew install libtool automake cmake carthage cocoapods
  2. Run carthage bootstrap in the project root directory: carthage bootstrap --platform iOS (this could take a long time to build related frameworks)
  3. Run pod install in the project root directory: pod install
  4. Open .xcworkspace file in Xcode.
  5. Build & Run.


  • Generate a PGP key pair
  • Use the pass command line tool
  • Push encrypted password store to a private Git repository
  • Build Pass for iOS by yourself or download from App Store
  • Start to use Pass for iOS on your iPhone/iPad

For more, please read the wiki page.
