Sprockets 3 + ES6 + SystemJS Demo

Rails app to demo Sprockets 3, ES6 and SytemsJS. Rails Assets is used to include JS packages such as React and SystemJS.

JS files ending with .es6 will be compiled using the sprockets-es6 gem, see geom.es6, math.es6 and main.es6 in /app/assets/javascripts/app/. Multiple ES6 files can be bundled by using the Sprockets //= require declarations, see /app/assets/javascripts/app.js.

The application layout loads SystemJS, sets up its configuration, and loads the assets/bundles.js file which is auto-generated using an ERB template. This file contains the mapping of bundles to the files they contain:

  "bundles": {
    "assets/app": [


  • Generate the bundle config for SystemJS automatically.
  • Remove the need for System.defaultJSExtensions = true.
  • Look into using packages to remove SystemJS config options for baseURL: "/assets"


  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails s
  • Run open http://localhost:3000