
A Dart package that generates CSS sprite sheets using Pub transformers

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Stitch is a Dart package that uses transformers to generate CSS sprite sheets.


Add Stitch as a dependency and transformer to your pubspec.yaml.

name: my_app
description: A web application
  browser: any
  stitch: any
- stitch


By default, Stitch will look for linked sprite sheets in your HTML files. Linked sprite sheets must have the same name as the directory containing your sprites.

For example, lets say you have a Dart application with the following folder structure:


To tell Stitch to generate a sprite sheet for all PNGs in web/images/icons, just reference web/images/icons.css from an HTML file.

The generated CSS file contains classes that reference the images within the sprite sheet. For each image, a class with the naming convention {folder-name}-{image-name} will be generated. Each class sets the element's background-image, background-position, width and height.

Using the star.png and info.png sprites in web/index.html:

    <title>My App</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="images/icons.css">
  	<div class="icons-star"></div>
  	<div class="icons-info"></div>

Custom Sprite Sheets

Use .stitch files to output specialized sprite sheets. A .stitch file is just a YAML file that references a set of assets, how the assets should be laid out, and the format the sprite sheet should support (CSS, SASS, LESS). Assets can even be referenced from other packages.

Example: A .stitch file.

format: scss
  - images/icons/info.png
  - images/icons/star.png
  - packages/social/icons/facebook.png

When transformed, assets will be outputted with the same name as the Stitch file. For instance, if the example .stitch file was located at web/icons.stitch, the transformer would output web/icons.png and web/_icons.scss.

Stitch files support the following fields:

  • asset_paths: A list of paths to PNGs that will be included in the sprite sheet. Paths follow the same formatting rules as Barback.
  • format: The output type.

Note: Stitch will also recognize files ending with .stitch.yaml.


  • Add support for SASS
  • Add support for LESS
  • Customization options: padding, sprite layout, etc.