
A server running on Nodejs designed to act as a fake version of your RESTful service(s)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status

Nodejs library that allows managing of a RESTful server for storing, matching and verifying stubs/expectations from a test suite.


npm install vanilli

Notes for 1.x users

Note that vanilli 3.x is a complete overhaul and if you're used to using previous versions then there are some major changes to be aware of:

  • Vanilli runs on nodejs - it is not designed to run in the browser as well like milli.
  • milli, the old javascript bindings library for vanilli has been deprecated. Instead, vanilli now provides its own javascript API.
  • Vanilli's API is entirely synchronous, thus making writing succinct tests easier.

How it works

Vanilli is designed to act as a "fake" version of the REST services that your SUT (System Under Test) depends on. It sits running on a port you specify, waiting to serve up responses that you specify via adding stubs. Stubs are added and verified via the javascript API.

Your SUT is then configured to call vanilli instead of the REST services it usually uses.

Note: If your web app has client-side code that makes XHR calls to REST services then you will need to consider the section on 'CORS' below.


Typical usage:

var vanilli = require('vanilli').init();

describe('My SUT', function () {
    before(function () {
        vanilli.listen(port); // Start the vanilli REST server

    after(function () {
        vanilli.stop(); // Shutdown vanilli REST server

    afterEach(function () {
        vanilli.verify(); // Verify all expectations have been met
        vanilli.clear(); // Clear down stubs from vanilli ready for next test

    it('does something', function (done) {


        // Manipulate SUT to required state

        // Make assertions

        // Note that the vanilli expectation above will be verified by the vanilli.verify() in 'afterEach'.


Vanilli configuration is handled via the init() function. See the API documentation below for more information.

Lazy matching

Vanilli's matching logic is lazy - i.e. a as long as ALL the criteria on a given stub match an incoming request vanilli does not care about any further details of that request. So, for example, if one specifies a stub that matches on a specific query parameter then the matching logic ONLY cares about that query parameter - any other query parameters are considered irrelevant.

This approach means more succinct stubs and less matching criteria irrelevant to the test at hand.


Vanilli will usually be running on a different port to your SUT. So, if your SUT's client-side code makes calls calls to REST services then you'll need to take advantage of the vanilli support for CORS.

Vanilli sends out CORS headers in all responses:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: <See lib/cors.js for a list of the supported headers>
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: <HTTP methods for all the stubs for the resource that vanilli knows about>;

IMPORTANT: This reliance on CORS means that the browser that you are running your tests on MUST support and be configured to support CORS. NOTE: See the section on 'Static Content' below for a possible workaround for avoiding CORS.


Vanilli stub responses will automatically be wrapped in JSONP if either a "callback" or "jsonp" query string parameter is found on the request that the stub response is being produced for. This is not explicitly handled in vanilli but by its underlying restify server instead.


Vanilli logs to sysout and syserr via bunyan. Switching logLevel to debug will cause vanilli to spit out a whole load of diagnostic information relating to what stubs are stored and how it is matching stubs against incoming requests.

See the bunyan project itself for more info on logging and log levels.

Stubs vs expectations

For vanilli, an "expectation" is simply a specialized stub. In short: a stub MIGHT be matched; an expectation MUST be matched.

A stub...

  • CAN be matched UP TO the specified number of times (1 if not explicitly specified).
  • WILL cause an error if matched too many times.
  • WILL NOT cause an error if matched too few times.

An expectation...

  • MUST be matched the specified number of times (1 if not explicitly specified).
  • WILL cause an error if matched too many times.
  • WILL cause an error if matched too few times.

So, if you want to assert on the actual calls that your SUT is using use an expectation; otherwise use a stub.

REMEMBER: The more vanilli expectations you add to your tests the more brittle they will get: consider using stubs as your first choice.

Static Content

To serve up the stubbed responses vanilli is, at its core, an HTTP server. This means that it could, potentially, serve up content other than stubs. This opens up the possibility of vanilli acting as your web app's HTTP server - thus removing any CORS considerations.

So, to this end, the static config option was created. It acts like a "pass through" filter - if an incoming request matches the static filter then the static content will be served rather than attempting to match against a stub. The option takes the form:

    static: {
        root: "sut/static/root",
        include: [ glob1, glob2, ... , globX ],
        exclude: [ globA, globB, ... , globZ ]

You can see an example in (test/e2e/vanilli-test.js)



You can find examples of the API calls in test/e2e/vanilli-test.js and test/unit/vanilli-test.js.


var vanilli = require('vanilli').init([config]);

Creates a new vanilli instance. Optional configuration values can be specified. All options are given below with their default values:

    logLevel: "error", // See 'Diagnostics' section above
    static: undefined // See 'Static Content' section above


vanilli.stub(stub1, stub2, ... , stubX);

Registers one or more stubs.


vanilli.expect(stub1, stub2, ... , stubX);

Registers one or more stubs as expectations. (See 'Stubs vs Expectations' section below.)


vanilli.onGet(url[, options]);

Returns a new stub that will match against an incoming GET request with a relative URL matching that specified. Further matching criteria can be specified via the options object. The following snippet illustrates all available options:

    contentType: <string or RegExp>,
    body: <string, object or RegExp>,
    query: {
        param1: <string or RegExp>,
        paramX: <string or RegExp>
    headers: {
        header1: <string or RegExp>,
        headerX: <string or RegExp>

NOTE: If a body is specified then a contentType MUST be specified.


As for vanilli.onGet except that the HTTP method for the stub is PUT.


As for vanilli.onGet except that the HTTP method for the stub is POST.


As for vanilli.onGet except that the HTTP method for the stub is DELETE.



Starts the vanilli REST server listening on the specified port.



Stops the vanilli REST server.



Verifies that the expectations currently registered with vanilli have been met. If verification fails a single error is thrown detailing all unmet expectations.



Clears vanilli down of all stubs and expectations.


var captureDetails = vanilli.getCapture(captureId);

Gets details of the request indicated by the specified captureId. (See stub.capture.)



Indicates that vanilli should store the details of the request that is eventually matched against the stub. The specified captureId can then be used as a handle to vanilli.getCapture to pull those details back for asserting on.



Indicates that when vanilli matches this stub against an incoming request it should wait the specified number of milliseconds before responding with the stubbed response.


stub.respondWith(status[, options]);

Adds details of the response to the stub. At minimum, a status code can be specified; however, more details for the response can be specified via the options. The following snippet illustrates all options.

    contentType: <string>,
    body: <string or object>,
    headers: {
        header1: <string>,
        headerX: <string>

NOTE: If a body is specified then a contentType MUST be specified.