
Monorepo for dansdata's containerized backend

Primary LanguagePLpgSQLMIT LicenseMIT

Dansdata Backend

Git Hooks: Husky Code formatting: Prettier Commit Style: Conventional Commits Commit Verification: Commitlint

Dansdata (lit. "dance data") is an open API for information relating to social dancing in Sweden.

Learn more at https://dansdata.se!


Social dancing is a popular activity in Sweden with multiple events per day, nearly every day of the year. Unfortunately, it can be quite hard for dancers to find these events as they are primarily advertised locally or on Facebook. There also are no good data sources for developers to build on, making it hard for organizers to reach out.

With Dansdata, we want to create a data repository for information about social dancing in Sweden: events, bands, photographers and more! We believe that the dancing community is full of people willing to develop dance related services, if only they had a platform to stand on.

By creating this platform and enabling developers, we hope to make social dancing more accessible in the digital era.

Getting Started

The project makes use of VSCode's devcontainer feature to create a basic, common development environment. The following instructions assume you are using this environment. If you do not want to use a devcontainer, necessary steps to configure your local environment can be deduced from files in the .devcontainer directory.


Dansdata is a project by dancers, for dancers. Contributions are welcome!

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


The project is running on bun and postgraphile with a PostgreSQL database.

We use just. Custom tooling is run via just and located in ./tooling.

Commits are checked with commitlint.

Formatting via prettier

Database migrations managed via graphile-migrate.

Deployment via docker compose.
